I'm seeing inconsistent behavior in Chrome (didn't check in other browsers, though...might just be the site itself):

In the row of seven images across the top (above your nav bar), only the 1st, 3rd and 5th image seem to have links associated with them. The others do not, and are not clickable.

The nav bar is acting a bit weird too. When I'm on your home page (kalvklar/index.htm), it appears that all the button on the nav bar are clickable. They all highlight (although not consistently -- it appears that perhaps there's another layer of images under the buttons, shifted more or less left or right depending on the button?). when I'm on the Har page, the Har button becomes disabled -- which is OK behavior, but it's not consistent on all pages. On others, such as Frisorsalong, the current page's button remains clickable.

From the inconsistent behavior, I'm guessing that the nav bar may have been manually copied from page to page, rather than having been set as a repeating element...?

Aside from this, though, I am able to navigate all around the site in Chrome -- and I'm currently using 6.0.472.55 beta...

- Jon