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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Question Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Had too many issues on the other post to keep adding new topics. Probably should have separated each question into it's own post so folks can find them better.

    So... posting a new question.

    Links: on the template pages I've created... one using the dynamic page tweak (which is fantastic)... the rollover links aren't working in the menus or on the footer in Firefox.

    The dynamic footer isn't showing the rollovers at all, in IE or FF.

    For those, I place the 1st image in the footer layer and the mouseover image in the mouseover layer.

    The links work - meaning, click them and you end up in the correct place - however, none of the rollovers/mouseovers work.

    Any feedback?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Can you upload your file or post a link to the website. It is kind of hard to tell what the cause is.

    One thing that can cause problems is the position of the buttons. If you select your buttons and bring them to the top (Arrange > Bring to Front) this can sometimes solve the problem. If the buttons are lower in the layer structure than say a rectangular outline, even if the rectangle has no fill, the buttons will not work as the plane of the rectangle has them covered up.

    Also, make sure your buttons are linked. If a button is not linked, the rollover action will not take place.

    Worth looking at.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Thank you Gary...

    I"m not sure what "Linking" the images is - so, obviously that could be an issue. I'll do more homework on that after posting this.

    Layers - I've gotten all kinds of layer reading done in the past four days, ugh, still - something isn't right with the way I'm doing this because even though the footer is the dynamic setup from the tweak, I don't feel that this should be an issue or that this should keep images from rollover effects. Likely, it's me again.

    I have links - and I'll post them here, but if you need me to remove these, I will. I just read the rules and althogh the links are to my test site, my questions are sincere and I need help. Just let me know if they need to be removed or simply remove them if you feel they are inappropriate here.

    http://rapidresidualpro.org/blog.php?page=test2 -- on this link, you can click both of the blog posts to see how the dynamic script is acting (which relates to my previous post also) and all of the things I am obviously doing wrong. lol... you can also see the links at the top of the page work in IE and not in FF, same for the bottom of the page - on the footer.

    http://rapidresidualpro.com/squeeze.php?page=yes2 -- this is a test squeeze page that I'll add a pop up optin box to... all links are working fine here, so I must be doing something correctly??

    On both, there is no repeating on the x or y axis... (question from other post) so if you have a large screen - not good.

    I'm just learning how to use the web-publishing aspect of Xara. In the past few years, what I've done is simply create the graphics in Xara and slice them into CSS or html websites - never used the program as a full publisher before, hence... the learning curve.

    Thanks again for your help... going to make some coffee, read to my kids, then I'll be here all night again doing client work. Appreciate your help.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Well... apparently there isn't a solution?

    I went ahead and simply cut and sliced the first site's layout and put it into a CSS template instead of waiting any longer to get the graphics to work - the test site is still up using the test graphics if anyone can help with a solution.

    On the red squeeze page site - the background graphic is still an issue. When I created it, I actually had no idea that when a screen was larger - the background was white - until I zoomed in my browser after reading some posts here.

    A static background image and scrolling center of screen might work... ??

    Any advice?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Hi Sodette

    Can you upload the xar/web file ? Maybe someone can spot the problem.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Been working with the problem... have some of it figured out, some not. Wasn't linking the images (soft group?) but that seems to help now. Actually, now the IE browser won't cause one mouseover to work.. I think the layer is too low, so I'll move it up in the file.

    Everything else I'll just post a new, single thread for if I can't figure it out myself.

    I was actually hoping for a more engaging community response here... for my two recent posts, three now. I'm a member of several other software and business forums and there is never a lack of feedback or help offered. Maybe it's just that I'm new and haven't made many posts or much of a contribution yet?

    As for uploading the files... I'll do that after reading more of the manuals and doing my own homework I guess. I have the downloadable version of Designer 6 - upgraded from Extreme Pro 5 - waiting for the CD and manual to come in.

    Hate to ask someone to go through the file if they don't need to take that much time... was actually hoping for a few suggestions from folks who experienced similar issues without taking up too much of everyone's time.

    I've been told I have too many questions... I've been told I don't give enough info... I've patiently waited for replies for days... and been ignored...

    So far... wow. What's a guy gotta do here to be part of the club? Spend another grand or so and a few more years using the program or get a degree in design?

    Just offering humble feedback... love the program and appreciate the skills here, would just like to feel less like my questions aren't valid or as important to this community as they are to me. Should I just use the helpdesk?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Hate to ask someone to go through the file
    Without it we are firing blind.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....


    Here are the two files in .zip format:

    Before anyone says it - yes, I realize that the dynamic template is not supported by Xara and that it is a Tweak. Just asking for feedback if you are comfortable giving it.

    The other page/template - I redid this so that the footer is removed and the background is now fully gray and used the CSS header script posted here in another thread - it looks good enough for what I'm doing. Though... I'd still like to figure out how to get this one to work with a repeating header and footer and colored background if possible. If not... ok.

    The new version that I have working now:


    Any feedback appreciated.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....

    Hi Steve, I nudged the objects from the footer end and footer begin levels down to prevent them overlapping the navbar and this seems to have resolved the problem. See attached zip file

    Attached Files Attached Files

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Raleigh North Carolina, USA

    Default Re: Link layers not working - rollovers not showing - in FireFox browswer and on....


    Thank you for taking a look at the dynamic site.

    Not sure what the "overlap" problem was... unless it was there with no content. In the live version on my test site, I think I pretty much fixed any overlap. http://rapidresidualpro.org/blog.php?page=test2

    The biggest problems for using the dynamic template really are the following items... you can best see these on the long post at the test site http://rapidresidualpro.org/blog.php?page=test:

    1. header needs to go across full screen (the CSS fix for that from sledger will work I'm sure - just need to configure it) - repeat on x axis.

    2. background center page image needs to repeat on the y axis - see how it stops at the end of it's default page length on the y axis?

    3. footer needs to fully repeat on the x axis and fill the page - not sure how to do this yet actually.

    4. page (pasteboard) background needs to be set to gray.

    Right now this is all just exercise - I decided to go with a sliced version that I put into a CSS site for now on my main site.

    I still get to use Xara for the designing, but am back to cutting the graphic up and putting it into CSS or HTML tables to use on my sites is all.



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