Regular, it's hard to say what to do without the XAR file to play around with. But if it were me, I'd do the following.

1. Drop the pointy object behind the description text, it looks funky.
2. The description text is still too hard to read. It has been squashed horizontally. Start with a fresh font without any modifications. Try lining up the text on the right. Divide text into three separate sentences, possibly bulleted:
-Exactly 203° F for perfect expresso
-Smooth, no bitterness ever
-Rich foam injector
3. I'd make the red coffee cup bigger so that it appears closer to the viewer and gives more depth to the picture.
4. I don't understand what the buttons and bottom part of the device image are. The top part looks 3D and then it looks like a 2D thing stuck on the bottom with a separate button bar across it.
5. Possibly make the title "Xpresso" bigger extending over the image of the device so that it is more predominant.
6. Maybe omit background gradient gray altogether or some other background. Perhaps one color for background and one at the bottom to look like a table top or something that the machine is resting on.

Those are some ideas.