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  1. #1

    Question Firefox search add-on

    I'm looking for an add-on for Firefox to use in the following manner. Sometimes I am looking for an item that I am interested in purchasing. So I do a search and come up with a few options. I want to save the results of what I've found but don't really want to use bookmarks and create a new directory for them as I will only need this information temporarily. I suppose I could simply use bookmarks but I just wondered if there wasn't something already available for this purpose.

    I saw one add-on called Scrapbook that looked like it might work, but I also wanted to ask all my TG friends if they had any advice on the subject.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Phoenix, AZ

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    You could try Evernote, it should do what you want plus more...


  3. #3

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    Thanks, I'll check it out, Chris!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    Why not just create a new folder in your bookmarks for Items of Interest, or something like that. Bookmark your considerations to that folder. And when you save something to that folder, take a few moments and remove the bookmarks that you are no longer interested in.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    Yeah, Gary, this might be the simplest option.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    dusseldorf, germany

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    Evernote as mentioned above is the kind of software I like to use for this.
    There are lots of outliners around that are pretty capable of storing everything.
    If you own a M$ Office suite you probably have OneNote installed which is well suited for it.

    I personally use the portable version of UltraRecall for lots of stuff like code snippets, lyrics :=), webpages. I like the fact that I can either store a link to that webpage with a description or import the page which has the advantage that you have that page that might otherwise be gone if you use that link next time.

    All the mentioned stuff might be overkill though if you dont need all the functionality these programs offer.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Firefox search add-on

    Although not an add-on and possibly an overkill as well, EssentialPIM Free (portable version) might be something you'd find handy. LINK




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