I think, Gary, you may have done better to post this notice and then just close it, so preventing a continuation of the very type of objectionable behaviour (i.e. disagreement) that you wish to prevent.

(words in italics quoted from your post)

Having read and hopefully digested your notice, I find myself objecting (there he goes again) quite specifically to the suggestion that the rebels of which you speak do not contribute ideas and images and offer support.

You also said that most members continue to contribute ideas and images and offer support. I disagree. It is a solid and tiny hardcore of members who continue to contribute ideas and images and offer support. The vast majority of members contribute very little. That's not a criticism by any means. It's simply a fact and applies to just about any Internet forum. It is also a fact that the solid and hardcore minority of members who contribute positively comprises "fanboys" and rebels alike (as well as, of course, people who are neither). And some "fanboys" can be rebels at times, and vice versa.

Your suggestion that these so-called rebels like nothing more than hanging out and making snarky comments is, in my opinion, an unfair misrepresentation of the contribution that some of these people make to this forum. As an aside, I've seen plenty of snarky comments from certain senior members over the years. I hope this thread is addressed to them as well.

You're right, indeed there are some members who contribute little of value to the community, they are the silent majority who lurk in search of answers, maybe pose a question and then disappear. It could be argued that merely posing a question is a valuable contribution because it generates feedback that benefits us all. I happen to agree with that position, but let's not get into the fine print.

Disruptive behaviour on the forum is unwanted anywhere, it does nothing but spoil the enjoyment that all of us have a right to (putting aside for the moment the fact that we are all here at Xara's pleasure). But all too often I get the impression that disruption is a synonym for disagreement, something that doesn't sit well with me.

However, I want to end this on a positive note. You said Show respect for all the members of this community. All the members of this community. Hear, hear. And let's hear no more of this (well, you won't from me in this thread anyway).