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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    I know this post will be deleted but I will at least post it for my own sanity.

    Your forum registration form is overbearing.. I have lost count of registration forms I have filled in over the years. A required evil in this world but yours is especially nasty...fifth word in first sentence! What sentence!!
    Those letters and numbers you have to refresh several times just to read them!

    I am sure it not only keeps out spammers but lots and lots of other genuine potential customers needing help with Xara .

    Now I have to find help elsewhere, I hope the forum registration is not a reflection of product support I might be getting from Xara otherwise I'll buy my software where Help is more forthcoming.

    It beggers belief why its so user unfriendly.
    No need to reply unless you've changed the registration proceedure.

    Really given me second thoughts about Xara

    I tried to send a query to the forum support but even that form was messed up. You enter a subject and you get a pop up telling you to enter a subject!!!

    You are really having a laugh at people expence.
    Now I have to say the subject is "I wish to change my login name" now that does not work hahaha who designed this rubbish!!!

    I eventually got past the stupid registration form (c'mon an idiot designed it or someone who did not want people to use the site)
    Shame Xara looked so good too

  2. #2

    Smile Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    I'm sorry you had some problems with using the forum software, however fyi apart from the anti-spambot question, this forum uses the standard default vBulletin registration process.
    As you probably are aware, CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is the most commonly used system for more than just forum registrations. Something we all have to bear on occasion.

    Also please note, that while Xara developers do frequent TalkGraphics, it is not run by Xara. TalkGraphics.com is a place for like-minded individuals to chat about graphics software, website design and more.

    Thank you for your feedback and Welcome to the Forums.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    I eventually got past the stupid registration form (c'mon an idiot designed it or someone who did not want people to use the site)
    Shame Xara looked so good too
    There are quite a few people who have gone with the flow and registered and have received the benefits of the knowledge and expertise found in these forums.

    When you find a better forum, I hope you'll check back and let us know, if you have not already forgotten your log in information.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    I must say that for the last 2-3 months different captcha images or questions (like "What is eight + 2") have proved wrong or unreadable.. I had a lot of problems with e.g. Joomlashine site. It turns out that I can't count to 10 (plus I never know if they want a digit or a word as an answer) ...or can't see what's written in the captcha images. Someone somewhere had forgotten to do more tests before another "great" antispam system was released...
    I have no data on the types of systems but I believe vBulletin might be one of them. I was too much ****ed at the problem to care about the script or whatever... this really is annoying, though.

    To sum it up, I understand the author's anger...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Mildly irritating - OK. Something to get angry about? I don't think so.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Sorry to say that the experience is unlikely to improve much. This is far and away the most over-moderated, fascist-run forum I've ever come across. I only visit now to find out about updates and stuff. I will never again participate in any discussion [except this one, obviously].

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Ahh.. who would be a moderator? One moment a hero, the next a fascist.

    Generally speaking moderation is good here and fortunately has kept the most rabid posters at bay even if sometimes the tendency to pidegeon-hole posts and threads neatly seems a bid pedantic.

    It's easy to criticise, but much harder to do the job. Thank you for your efforts and time moderator people!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Quote Originally Posted by BONES View Post
    Sorry to say that the experience is unlikely to improve much. This is far and away the most over-moderated, fascist-run forum I've ever come across. I only visit now to find out about updates and stuff. I will never again participate in any discussion [except this one, obviously].
    Calling someone a who voluntarily gives time to try and maintain order on a graphics orientated web chat site a fascist is, I imagine, a real insult to genuine knuckle dragging, book burning fascists.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    NY-USA & France

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Mussolini ran a forum, it was grafic at times, and xtreme too. But he wound up up-side down. I'm old and have trouble making out those whatchamacallit's where you have to type what is in the image. After some frustration, and recycling I finally got it right.
    For me, it was like going thru a dimly lit short tunnel to arrive in a huge hall, filled with some of the most helpful people I have ever met. Without who's help I would have never progressed as I have.
    The price of admission is well worth the assistance, the echukashun, and the camaraderie that is found here.
    And anyone that voices their discontent, about the passage in here, only contrasts the rewards that one gains by being here.
    I'd like to thank all, that are here, thank those that take the time to help those of us that need it, and thank 'designedbyamug' for giving me a chance to add my 2¢
    Patman = Patrick Mangner

    Alzimers. What's that, I forgot. Growing old is not for Wimps
    My first created site harryshilltop.com

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Squamish, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Forum Registration is a joke but I am not laughing

    Hi Folks,

    Might as well chime in too...I found this site very easy to sign up for and I'll soon be 60. True my eyesight doesn't really like all those wavy graphic thingys that are put there for spammers but they serve a very important purpose...they keep the site quite clean of non-people type computer progams....

    I've suffered a bit with those wavy graphics but overall, if you understand the purpose you should be grateful.

    As to the level of anger that has been displayed, usually that comes from someone who is somewhat computer illiterate and doesn't know where to turn. It can be very frustrating for that type of person but there has always been expert and friendly help available on this site.

    With that being said I hope that the OP realizes sometime that this is one of the best, if not the best forum on the web. The moderators and experienced web and graphics personnel here for the most part are more professional and caring than any business that I know of. Really, many of them should be getting paid for their great efforts. So.....thanks to the moderators and all those greatly skilled Xtremers out there giving their time freely and with xteme dedication....without you, this would be a free-for-all type forum that would certainly die the way of the dodo bird....and....I would certainly never have been able to develop many of the small skills I have done without all of you.

    All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you.
    -Gandalf (from Lord of the Rings) - Xara s/w - Xara Designer Pro X11




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