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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Thumbs down Two page backgrounds - changing page sizes & orientation

    Am using Xtreme5 for my website. I thought everything was going great until... I checked on another computer (I had already checked 4 different computers which seemed fine) and found that my pages are not displaying well at all on that computer (much too big on the new laptop of my friend). Anyway, I checked and noticed that the page size was not set at the recommended width (around 800pix or 760 to be precise im my case), so I thought I would change all (28) pages, redesigning everything, like font sizes, layout, positioning, etc. BUT, then I find that 9 of my 28 pages do not seem to have changed their size or orientation (I also changed the orientation from landscape to portrait). Or, more correctly, they now seem to have TWO backgrounds?? When I select those pages, the corner handles show up in the correct place but the right-hand side handles appear as being inside the page, but my original page seems to now be on top of that page? Hope all that makes sense! I should have said that prior to doing all that, I had gone into "page options" and tried to change all pages to the same size, and with the various options identical by ticking the box to make all pages the same? I had a look in "layers" in case that was an issue, but doesn't seem to hold the answer??
    Can someone suggest the answer(s) to my problem please?
    Many thanks,
    17 Jan 10

    (in case it may help, my website (prior to my latest attempts to fix it to display properly on all/most screen sizes/display settings) is at www.thai-binh.com The 2nd page (my "home page", in Vietnamese language) is the first of the 9, non-consecutive, pages that are now causing my problems)
    Last edited by rikkoshea; 17 January 2010 at 01:35 PM. Reason: additional information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Two page backgrounds - changing page sizes & orientation


    When you design a webpage in Xtreme or Web Designer, the page contents are by default centered in the browser. So, unless you are using a large bitmap background, the only problem might be your content being larger than a small laptop screen, in which case the page would scroll.

    Design your content to the smallest size screen you expect your page to be viewed on, or the smallest size you care about. If you change your page color or add a bitmap fill to your page (Bitmap Gallery > select a bitmap, and click Background), the page background will expand to fit the browser screen size.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Default Re: Two page backgrounds - changing page sizes & orientation

    Hi Gary,

    Thanks for the suggestion which may help, but not really the primary issue?

    I was probably was not very clear in my description. I will try to (briefly) explain the main problem again.

    What I did: When I noticed my website was not displaying correctly on at least 1 other computer, I re-checked my website in Xara. In my first page, I found that my page-width settings were set too wide (at least they were above the recommended level, at 900px) so I changed my (1st) page to the svga setting (760px). At the same time, I checked the portrait box and finally I ticked the box which asked if I wanted to use those page settings for all of the pages in my website. That worked fine for page 1.

    My font sizes and layout etc then all needed downsizing and fixing up, etc, which I did, starting with that first page.

    I then moved on to the second page which seemed not to have changed at all from the old setting? It was still showing at around 900 pix wide? I checked the rest of the website pages and found a total of 9 of 28 were also like that?

    However, I noticed that when I "selected" that page (2) for example, the page corner handles on the RHS were showing INSIDE of the page background (at around the new corrected page width setting)? I then looked at the bottom of that page background and I could see what looks like a tiny section along the bottom, of another page background appearing underneath my original page?

    So, I concluded rightly or wrongly, that probably when I asked Xara to make all pages the same width, for some reason unknown to me, and in only a few cases, it produced NEW page backgrounds, under the original page backgrounds?

    I hope that is clearer now, and maybe there is a simple answer to fix it?

    18 Jan 10

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    Smile Re: Two page backgrounds - changing page sizes & orientation

    Well I am very surprised now, because when I logged back in to Xtreme this afternoon, I couldn't see that problem any more? The pages are all now showing exactly as I chose using page options!
    I'm sorry that I can't give any explanation for that, but I am certainly relieved to see it's fixed, maybe with some divine help?
    Possibly some strange result because when I booted up the computer, I briefly got a "red screen of death" (shudder!!). But that seems ok now too, I hope!
    18 Jan 2010

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Two page backgrounds - changing page sizes & orientation

    I cannot tell you how many times this has happened to me.

    Glad things sorted themselves out.



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