Thanks all for your comments. I really appreciate it. I didnīt post much in the last couple of months, hopefully this will change now that i have some more time.

Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Looks pretty slick to me.
I assume you worked from an existing image. How much did you changed or did you pretty much render what was in the original image?
Gary: Yes, iīve used an image as reference. The original car in the image was parked on a street and the carīs color was black.
Iīve changed the composition, colored it with a deep washed blue, "clean it up" and created the ground and background.

Quote Originally Posted by HayTay View Post
Nice view, clean lines, realistic highlights and reflection, Miguel. I even like the color. Is that a personal project or a commissioned graphic. I'm thinkin' that it would make a real nice poster.
Harry: This was a personal project for learning purposes. I always liked cars, from american classics to tuned japanese models, but never have drawn one in Xara.
This was a first experiment to see how i would solve certain problems and to try some techniques. Iīm pleased with the result but now seems thereīs certain things i could do in other ways and some more ideas have come up since then. I already started my second... who knows maybe i can do some commissioned work in the future

Best regards,