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  1. #151
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Yes Steve.

    But I'm getting sick and tired about the whining about tools that are on someones long year list and then saying the business direction is flawed
    and even argument-ed with false facts as everyone can see the amount of new members in the forum which will only be a part of the actual new users.
    To this i say thumbs up.
    I do think that some members are searching in the minor details for little things that they can complain about.(get a life)
    The used behavior I notice everyday with my 6 year old son and 4 year old daughter.

    Now when a new member or old member (re)enters the forum it only sees the complaints made by the loudest shouting persons.
    I think these people should be put in place as it is not in the interest of this forum as for the future of xara products.

  2. #152
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    such is democracy

    but I hear what you say Hans
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Last edited by remi; 28 June 2009 at 01:52 PM.

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Thank you Hans, you just have perfectly explained my feelings about this situation too.

  5. #155
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Yes, I agree with you Steve (handrawn). It's sad to see the usual "fight" between fanboys and critics - also since years without a change ("Hans" was added to my "fanboy" drawer, just now).

    btw: I'm so glad that I don't smoke - neither tobacco nor drugs.

    One of the next postings (or even a new thread) is about the great members/moderators/developers who are spending their time unselfish every day, hours and hours again in order to help out customers to overcome the missing functions through workarounds and really don't like to see such "negative" postings about their beloved Xara Xtreme...

    But this will not change the "feeling", that eobet is right with his thread title, when he is saying that _he_ is no longer Xara's target audience.

    We need a change


  6. #156
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post
    But this will not change the "feeling", that eobet is right with his thread title, when he is saying that _he_ is no longer Xara's target audience.
    Yes. Nothing will change it. He has a freedom of choice. If he finds Illustrator more appropriate program for his needs than Xtreme, then he will use Illustrator. There's nothing really bad in this. There's no perfect programs out there, no matter what you'll do, some users will prefer something else. It would be naive to believe and try to create a penultimate software that will be eternally considered the best choice for everyone.
    If Eobet feels that he is no longer a target audience, be it. We have our target audience, we do work to expand it and enforce our position within it. I'm very sorry that Eobet doesn't feel like being a part of it. I really wish him luck with his great artistic work in any software he chose. But business is business, we have to make decisions and follow them. And, of course, no one knows yet what will be tomorrow. So let's see.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Steve J.

    Democracy is about compromising in a way that everybody sees the bigger picture and agree to take a road together.
    In a real democracy they are allowed to complain about it in an ordinary fashion.
    The way it is going now,is not like a civilized democracy anymore

  8. #158
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Sorry, Hans but the OP, some other members and I are trying to argue against a wrong product policy and you are (trying) to get personal against me? Who, do you think, is childish? And which behaviour is not "civilized" anymore?

    Please think about, what you have written.


  9. #159
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.


    democracy is about everyone having their say unhindered - unless they break statute [law] - that is a cornerstone of civilisation IMO

    but now we are back OT ....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #160
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Re: Thank you and good bye! I'm no longer Xara's target audience.

    Quote Originally Posted by remi View Post
    ...the OP, some other members and I are trying to argue against a wrong product policy...
    1. I don't see OP actually argue anything, he just informed us about his decision. We do understand his choice and wish him good luck. Subject closed, no arguments were intended. There is a separate thread specially created by JA to discuss our product policy.
    2. Our product policy is not wrong. It is exactly what xara founders, owners and investors want it to be. It would be wrong, if they were unhappy with it.



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