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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by ankhor View Post
    So let me see if my brain comprehends what you are saying.
    OK, but I have to have dinner at 8.30 tonight and then I'll be watching TV later on, so I can't wait for ever...


  2. #32
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by Xhris View Post
    WD wasn't combined into Xtreme 5, WD was extracted from Xtreme 5 and released earlier when the relevant work was completed. This is clear from the fact that WD/V5 web features are a substantial update to what was already in V4. V5 is a serious upgrade from WD/V4 html features because unlike WD, you can use all of Xara's drawing features. I gave my site a visual revamp to illustrate this.

    Content aware scaling has been the source of a lot of talk since Adobe bought out the inventors of the original technology and stuffed it into Photoshop. Xara's implementation is the world's fastest and very slick. Xara's version does lack the ability to force areas to be removed before others however.

    Spell checking and multi-stage transparency have been two long asked for features on TG. HTML was given priority because producing websites is more important for most than producing web graphics alone nowadays apparently. So what was done does seem to make sense, even though at first glance it appears somewhat disappointing.
    So your saying that there was Xtreme5 in development, strapped to an operating table and ready to be winched through a trap door in the laboratory ceiling at the first sign of a thunderstorm when along came someone and extracted, Adams rib like, the bare bones of what was then rapidly moulded into WebDesigner?
    Call me cynical and accuse me of surfacing from the wrong side of the bed this morning if you like but isn’t that a bit of a rip off, essentially selling the same thing twice, all be it improved, in a matter of a few months?
    I've still bought this and I am very pleased with the new desktop icon, though I still think its only an upgrade of Xtreme and WDesigner, not a new version. Also there is the point that WebDesigner was a strong enough product in its own right to exist on its own and be susequently upgraded and expanded as a seperate application.
    Last edited by masque; 05 June 2009 at 02:56 PM.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    if what you seem to be saying is true Xhris, then there are going to be quite a few people like me who never bought XWD mighty pleased, and quite a few others I would imagine, feeling the opposite.... ?
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    I am, in fact, feeling super happy (smug, even) in that I never bought XWD. However, it's kind of tempered by the fact that I will never use any of XXP5's new and improved wed design features

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Surrey, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    This exact situation is something I postulated back when Web Designer first came out and I wouldn't be surprised if some people that bought it feel a little choked that it's features were rolled into Xtreme 5. In which case the price of WD was the cost of being on the "bleeding edge" and having the features first, not knowing when the next full xtreme version would be released.

    Not having picked up WD myself, I don't know if all of the new things about it were rolled into the new Xtreme version or not. However even if they were, it seems like there has been a lot of other upgrades and enhancements to how things work in Xtreme that might make it worth the upgrade price on it's own.
    This signature would be seven words long if it was six words shorter.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    I almost bought X4 and WD but didn't have the time to do the site I wanted, so never got round to buying either. I can now just buy X5. Lucky me, but it would have been sour if I'd chosen to buy both.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Surrey, UK

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    if what you seem to be saying is true Xhris, then there are going to be quite a few people like me who never bought XWD mighty pleased, and quite a few others I would imagine, feeling the opposite.... ?
    I'll be the opposite then.
    So let me get this straight. As I now have XXPro 5.1 Web designer is completely redundant and can be deleted to free up hard drive space? Pfff!

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Knowle, Solihull, UK

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Just been catching up on what feels like the disappointment that X5 now incorporates Web Designer. Maybe I'm missing the point, and/or maybe I've misunderstood the subtleties of exactly how Web Designer is integrated into X Pro 5, but it seems to me that the extra upgrade discount you "earn" for being an owner of both X Pro AND Web Designer means that my earlier purchase of WD ends up being almost free. Luckily I noticed that enhanced upgrade option just before committing my credit card

    Now I've just got to find the time to enjoy delving into 5. So I'm going to add myself to the list of people saying thanks to Charles and co, and especially to Covoxer for spending the time here with users. OK, they've just had more money off me, which is fair enough - when did you last have a glow of anticipation about exploring an offering from (say...just for the sake of argument...) Adobe? And that's rhetorical, no wish to start an argument.


  9. #39

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    Well, I'm just guessing that's what happened. Seems sensible enough. I'm sure upgrading from V4/wd to v5 will be priced appropriately.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Version 5.1 Launched

    oh when CS4 came out

    glad to hear you get extra discount for the upgrade thats good news
    Nothing lasts forever...




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