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  1. #1

    Default How to cut something out?

    Me again,
    I have a piece of clip art on the board that I'm manipulating. I like how it looks now, but I need to remove part of it, or cut a piece, slice a piece?? Not sure what it's called in XX. For example, it's a line design, and I want to remove some parts of the design that don't work for me.
    I'm sure this is a simple task, just don't know how.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: How to cut something out?

    If it is a vector image and not a bitmap, the objects are probably all grouped. You can ungroup the image (you may need to do this several times to remove all the groups.

    But before you do that, you sometimes can select items in a group if you hold down the Ctrl key and then click on an object.

  3. #3

    Default Re: How to cut something out?

    I thought there was something where you can use a pen tool to draw a circle or freehand shape and cut that section out. I already moulded it, so I don't think I ungroup. If I keep hitting undo, I lose the look I created.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    East Sussex, England

    Default Re: How to cut something out?

    You can copy the mould and then re-apply it when you have deleted the item you don't want. I would either first make sure you save the document or copy the mould to a new document, then with the mould tool selected there is a button on the info bar to copy the mould. You can then remove the mould/groups etc. make any changes , select all and re-apply the mould.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Default Re: How to cut something out?

    Hello greenbug

    If you have a group that has a mould applied you can edit that group once again by selecting the group and clicking "Convert to editable shapes". You can then ungroup the Shape and edit whichever part of this new Shape. But remember, once you click "Convert to editable shapes" you have lost the mould (not the results of the mould, just the mould itself), so make a copy of your shape before you apply "Convert to editable shapes".




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