Quote Originally Posted by amoore View Post
<sigh> Converting text to curves can also result in very large files.
And the problem with that is...?

We're talking about a club newsletter, not the script for the Encyclopaedia Britannica. We both know that the major reason for the inordinately huge size of most PDFs is poorly or not at all optimised images. We also know that vector objects take up comparatively far less space. We also know that there's an exception to every rule so people should use their common sense and if that proves difficult, use somebody else's.

If a PDF proves too large to email out (something that is quite possible) then upload it to some free web hosting and email your subscribers, providing a download link, informing them of the size of the PDF (something that is also quite possible).

<sigh> Thanks for the free egg sucking lesson, but next time I'll ask.