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  1. #91
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Nostaw View Post
    Hmm, i've looked into the source coude web designer produces and it looks very clean indeed. That alone would be worth for me buying WD.
    By all accounts it is very clean and uses a subset of HTML features very well.

    Question: Is it worth waiting for Xara5 to get the same features??
    Are you sure Xtreme 5 will have all those features?
    When will Xtreme 5 be released?

  2. #92

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    > Is it worth waiting for Xara5 to get the same features?? <

    This was more of a hypothetical question to see what you guys think

    In the past, Xtreme eventually got the best features of the entire Xara product universe... It doesn't mean they will continue to do that but there is a high chance Xtreme will get features of WD (at least the spellcheck! PLEASE!!)

  3. #93

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Nostaw View Post
    This was more of a hypothetical question to see what you guys think
    We're on page 10 of a thread which is doing just that. Have you read from the start?

  4. #94

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Obviously there's no new information on what X5 will contain. I thought someone would have dropped more clues by now.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Nostaw View Post
    Obviously there's no new information on what X5 will contain. I thought someone would have dropped more clues by now.
    Well, we know they never give information before a release because it might
    tip competitors off.

    But If I buy XWD5 and all the functionality is in XX5 I can always give
    it to my nephew, together with my extra copy of X3D, he got a laptop for his birthday last month.
    be aware, not to become a ware.

  6. #96

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by Nostaw View Post
    Obviously there's no new information on what X5 will contain.
    Neither is there any old information... Only speculation..
    All part of the excitement yes

  7. #97
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    I have come to this discussion rather late in the day, mainly out of curiosity, as XWD isn't high on my shopping list.
    Only one question, perhaps Xhris is able to answer - what, assuming you win your bet, would you be able to buy with your 10 imaginary TG currency units?
    Edit: Whilst I'm on the subject, it might be helpful to know the exchange rate between imaginary TG currency units and Altairian dollars.
    Last edited by iamtheblues; 18 March 2009 at 01:08 PM. Reason: addendum
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Canton, GA

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Just wanted to toss in my $.02 on the matter as a former programmer, an IT Consultant, and a web designer/coder...

    I like creating very clean sites from html and css. I don't use tables for my structure. I keep all the styling seperated from the content when possible. I try to avoid excessive script, try to keep my code huiman-readable, and even rank fairly well for certain things because my sites are coded to be search engine friendly as well.

    So what is the problem?

    Well, I can get great results but I'm always playing with browser compatibility to get the page to look the same across multiple apps. Fine...but sometimes, you can't even get there and you have to accept a compromise that keeps the design together enough in all the broswers to be ok.

    But it can take some time to get these things right - to demo them for a client - to make changes on the fly and not have to diddle with CSS pixels, div heights, padding, margins, or any of the other tedious stuff that comes with hand coding.

    My job as an IT consultant is to find the best tools for each job, whether those tools are to be used by the client or by me. There is a place in my world for sites that a quicker and easier to get together, which allows me to more easily fit into tighter budgets. If I don't need dynamic content or certain other DB interactions, I don't use a CMS. If I don't need some of the things that html/css allow me to do and Xara will fit the bill, then I'll use Xara.

    This is a tool, folks. We all own lots of them. Getting the best bang for the buck in our toolbox and being able to size jobs properly according to a CLIENT'S needs is my goal. And in a lot of cases, if I can justify using XWD instead of hand-coding (no matter how a sick techie part of me might sometimes feel about it), then I'm going to use it. The speed and flexibility along with the ability to focus on what I want the page to look like rather than how to fiddle and hack it into place is going to be worth a bunch of billable time and hopefully a better lead generator as the guy who can "pull off really different designs and has them done quickly". This is what a lot of the small local businesses here are looking for - not 6 month timelines and $10,000 websites.

    Hope that adds something!

  9. #99
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Quote Originally Posted by slavelle View Post
    This is a tool, folks.
    You were doing so well up until this point. 90% of forum users, when asked, would describe Xara as a religion.. ;-)

    Good post.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Web Designer versus Xtreme Pro

    Paul, not a religion; an addiction.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update




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