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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Talking Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    There is a famous story about advertising legend Bill Bernbach (of Doyle Dane and Bernbach - the VW agency back in the 60s, THINK SMALL, etc.).

    Bernbach was sitting in a meeting quietly listening to a client who was going on and on and on criticizing the creative presented by the agency.

    Bernbach from time to time would take out a small piece of paper from his pocket, glance at it, put it back in his pocket, and continue to listen.

    After the meeting one of his creative people asked him what he was looking at.

    Berbach produced the small piece of paper. On it was a simple sentence, Maybe he's right!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    well just in case anyone divorced from political reality is reading this thread and at a loss

    the donkey [ass] is the cartoonists shorthand for [US] Democrat - we all know that [who do politics] and we all use it and it can be as affectionate as it is any thing else - and is it any worse than the blundering elephant for the other lot?

    contempt - well I have seen that and this is not it - just fair comment on the democratic majority in the new congress - perhaps not to everyone's taste true enough - though I can't see any Democrat politicians loosing any sleep ...

    more importantly its a nice graphic - like it
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    OK, in my complete US political naivety, I confess to not knowing the cartoon convention for the parties - I had never seen it before, so I have seen graphicsfactorys works as something offensive whereas it's just following the convention.

    graphicsfactory, I apologise. Nice job.

    Please could one of the moderators scrub my earlier post - it's not appropriate. EDIT: Done ~ Egg



    [Thanks for the explanation handrawn]
    Last edited by Egg Bramhill; 28 January 2009 at 05:36 AM. Reason: Deleted unnecessary quote of an earlier post ~ Egg

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    easily done

    its actually been 'adopted' by the Democrats themselves

    according to wiki as a mascot but not officially



    BTW an editorial cartoonist who makes full use of this from time to time is Nick Anderson, who has the great virtue IMO of a totally independent stance,
    rather than a partisan approach:

    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    South Fla

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    ah yes there's always that approach
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Central North Carolina

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to all of you not in the US for the American voter - and the last 8 years of unquestionably the dumbest and least competent elected officials ever. It has been an embarrassment.

    We lied to start a war which anyone with an ounce of brains could see would be a disaster, took the oversite off all corps and allowed them to do whatever and however they wanted which took the worlds economy into the toilet and put ourselves into the position militarily that we had few options when the likes of Russia started to rattle their sabers again.

    In total, buy whatever ruler you want to use, we have had the worst President in our history - and that is saying something.

    But you must forgive us - like a few other countries around the world that were once under the crown - we have a deep seated inferiority complex and so must always be the best at everything. All one must do to get the votes of about 30% of us is to say, "We're going to kick their A**." - does not matter what else one may stand for, good or bad.

    Also, understand that we have a very strong conservative right and, even though we keep voting for someone that then does exactly the opposite of what the party stands for, we will do so again because they. "Are one of us."

    It is sad to say but we probably have the least educated voting group in the world - in a random asking of people on the street that voted, some could not ever tell you the name of the people running, much less what they stood for.

    Again, I apologize - for the first time in 8 years I am proud to be an American. We have elected - for the first time in more that 100 years - a man that I feel truly has the nations and it's peoples best interest at heart. The fact that he is also educated, intelligent and competent is a plus.

    No more beating out chest and telling everyone how great we are and how we will kick your A** if you don't agree with us - our way or the highway.

    But a sitting down and having an honest discussion as to the differences we have and how to arrive at a point we can all accept.

    But please, don't expect this to last. As soon as we don't get instant gratification or our problems solved we will turn - and elect another dummy - as long as they tell us what we want to hear at the time. - jb
    Last edited by jeb; 28 January 2009 at 07:56 PM.
    - jb

    "A little knowledge is a wonderful thing - sometimes."

  8. #18

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    Can we keep this about the art please. Political opinion or discussions are not required at TG.
    See the Rules.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: In honor of the new US Congress... (warning, may be offensive to some)

    Ah! Steve beat me to a Stay on Topic for once! But it is important as threads can very easily drift away from their original concept as well meaning as you may be.

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