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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eyre Heiss

    Default Non-printing layer

    Is it possible to make a layer visible but not printable, other than by setting it as a "background" layer?

    I use a home-made CD-DVD full-face (i.e., small centre hole) label template, in Xara, and it works tolerably well. It has 3 layers: (1) the bottom being the artwork (usually a bit-image), followed by (2) a 118mm circular cut-out with a 17mm circular "cut-in" in the middle, which shows what I will actually get on my label, and lastly (3) a slightly larger big circle (120mm), to accommodate a bleed to cater for slight misalignment of the sheet bearing the blank label in my printer.

    My workflow theoretically comprises (a) setting up the artwork within the bleed circle, then (b) making layer 2 visible to check that nothing important will be obliterated by the centre hole and that there's nothing important in the bleed edge, then (c) making layer 2 invisible so that only layers 1 and 3 are visible, and (d) printing it.

    Sometimes, for varying reasons, I accidentally leave layer 2 visible just before printing, which messes up the final printout (unless alignment is very precise). I know -- you could say "Well just don't forget!" -- but it would be very useful to have something like a third column of tick-boxes in the Layers dialogue, called "Print", or something. In this particular instance, as far as I can see, I can't put layer 2 on the background, because the artwork has to be on a level behind level 2. Or have I got it wrong?

    (BTW, if anyone wants the template, I'll happily upload it.)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Quote Originally Posted by AntonM View Post
    I know -- you could say "Well just don't forget!" -- but it would be very useful to have something like a third column of tick-boxes in the Layers dialogue, called "Print", or something.
    Then you'd have something different to 'not forget'
    Having a non-printing layer option in Xtreme really is accounted for by hiding it.

    Personally I create my disc print artwork as I need it just one one layer.
    I simply create 130mm circlular shape, create the artwork and use clipview to trim to the edge of the circle.
    This is then exported as a .bmp and loaded into my Canon Label Printer software.
    No need to worry about the centre hole as the Canon software automatically accounts for this (and is adjustable per disc).

    Oh yes, I don't print paper labels, I print directly to the disc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eyre Heiss

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Thanks for the quick reply, Sledger!

    Not sure how I'd have something else to forget? If there was a "Print" tick-box, I would simply leave it permanently unticked, so that it would not print irrespective of whether I accidentally left it visible or not, because I would never want layer 2 to print.

    I'm aware that there will be many other ways of doing it. I've used printable discs (Verbatim Azo), but there's factory printing around the centre hole which messes things up a bit. I expect there are other brands where the printing surface is pristine all the way.

    Stick-on labels work well for me because they are indeed pristine from edge to centre and give me maximum flexibility because I can do the whole process in Xara. CDLabelPrint, which came with my printer, is a bit klunky and restrictive to use after becoming accustomed to Xara's slickness.

    Ah well -- it was just a thought!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Quote Originally Posted by AntonM View Post
    CDLabelPrint, which came with my printer, is a bit klunky and restrictive to use after becoming accustomed to Xara's slickness.
    I do use Xtreme and take advantage of all it's 'slickness' to create my label before exporting it as a .bmp and using in CDLabelPrint (I didn't mention Xtreme in my previous post as this is the Xara Xtreme forum - maybe I should have done)
    The only function CDLabelPrint has at this point is to print the design to the disc. In this way there are zero restrictions as I see it. It does a great job, I've used it for years like this.

    If there was a "Print" tick-box, I would simply leave it permanently unticked, so that it would not print irrespective of whether I accidentally left it visible or not, because I would never want layer 2 to print.
    Fair enough.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Just un-check the layer. It is really the same thing and the same amount of effort as un-checking or checking a print box.

    You just need to reprogram your brain a little.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Or why not place them in a guide layer?

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Hehe, that'd work Egg - I always forget the guide layer is off until I drag a ruler guide into place only to be audibly 'blinged' to remind me I need to press '1'..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eyre Heiss

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Just un-check the layer. It is really the same thing and the same amount of effort as un-checking or checking a print box.
    Not quite -- I would untick the "Print" box in layer 2 once and once only, as I would never ever want it to print. I tick and untick the "visible" box several times while I'm adjusting the appearance, which is why I sometimes leave it on by mistake.

    You just need to reprogram your brain a little.
    I know! That's why I said you could say "Well just don't forget!" -- but I'm human and I do...

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    Or why not place them in a guide layer?
    That works! But how do I fill the 17mm circle in the middle? I'm just colour-blind enough to make it hard to make out the red dashed outline unless there's a good luminance contrast

    I think I'm going to have to accept things as they are. Thanks, everyone, for your help!

  9. #9

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Quote Originally Posted by AntonM View Post
    But how do I fill the 17mm circle in the middle? I'm just colour-blind enough to make it hard to make out the red dashed outline unless there's a good luminance contrast
    You can change the guide colours to something more suited to your eyes using Bill's (Soquili) XaReg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Eyre Heiss

    Default Re: Non-printing layer

    Thanks, Sledger I'll have a crack at that!




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