Hi everyone,

in most times the import function works on pages generated with fusion that
are simple made -
Maybe ho got a lot of luck and it works when you import other websites but
the rule is:
It will not work.
Why is this so?
The answer is:
Fusion is a WYSIWYG-Website-Editor wich uses its own database where
everything is saved:
The .nod ending of your project for instance your site is named
peterswebsite than fusion saves this under peterswebsite.nod
Everything you create there works perfectly and then you click: Publish and
then Fusion starts to create html files...

- If you use Dreamweaver the concept is different: You create directly html
files so you can import directly html files into it...

I love to work with Xara Xtreme Pro, too and i use it for all my design
But i do not a website with it - Why? Because Xtreme is not a webdesign
Tool - I know you can create Websites with it but the best combination is to
create the Graphics with Xtreme and then work with this graphics in fusion.
A combination of both is not so good because Xtreme will generate its own
code just like fusion does...
and both seems to work not so good together.

Here is one of my last projects i did with the combination Xara (Graphics)
Fusion Site-Editing:
