Quote Originally Posted by sledger View Post
Michael your sites are cool but they are not created by Xara Xtreme 4 using the new HTML export feature.

Would you please edit your links to show only those that are created with Xtreme 4 as mentioned in Garys OP


Hello sledger,

so...as i mentioned above, they are created in this combination...general question:
Are only this websites allowed to link here that are exactly only created ans Gary told us...?

If yes, i will delete my posting of course, but you will never find a webdesigner who is only working with one tool always many tools in the right combination giving the best result.

For instance:
If you create websites for customers you have to look: Wich tool brings the best result in the shortest time, because time is money for my customer...and for websites i need the best and the shortest is completely design in Xara Xtreme and to go furhter with an Webediting Program...

So again, if it is not allowed to put here links in this combination (Xara and Webediting Tool) than i will of course delete my posting or better delete my links...sorry for this misunderstanding...

Best Regards