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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    I've been getting the same thing for three days now............I don't use norton. I use vista ,office 2003xp, and avast32 virus scanner........I get the feeling a windows update screwed it up but i removed any new updates and its the same.......i started after a win update though

  2. #2

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    Well, the tech support at Xara sent me a message and told me to make sure I was the administrator of all my systems. Just to be on the safe side I've put in a call to my computer guru to contact me and see what he tells me.
    I'll post once we try that fix and let you know what happens.
    I'm not on a network of any kind.
    This morning when I came in here after breakfast it worked for about 5 minutes on 2000pro but not on XP.. so go figure..lol
    Please let us know if someone can figure this deal out.


  3. #3

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    My computer guru just left and he says I am the admin of all my systems. He played around some with the program and it actually worked again for about 5 minutes. He seems to think it could be a program problem so I'm going to contact Xara again and ask them to anity up again on a solution.
    We uninstalled it on the computer with XP and reinstalled it...same runtime error on start up.
    The computer with 98 just keeps on rocking and so far no problem on that system.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    on vista i had to turn off all user account controls to install the program and now a month later i get this...........all controls are off so it is running under the administrator.....i still think a windows update screwed it up. funny how this happened to us all at the same time, thats what makes me think of the update.....xara needs a patch for this i bet......

  5. #5

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    When I answered Xara's fix question today and told then that wasn't the problem I also told them maybe they needed to check this forum because other people were having the same problem with no fix from anyone.
    I wonder how long they'll take to answer this time.I agree on the patch thingy and in the past I've read where other people had this problem but since I wasn't having a problem at the time I didn't read any further on it.
    If and when I hear back from them I'll certainly pass it on to everyone else.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    I suddenly start to have this error also! Waiting for a solution.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Mulberry, Arkansas

    Default Re: c++ visual runtime error

    When i first got my installation CD, i did install it, and had no problem whatsoever. Well, my computer crashed the other day, and i had to do a full factory default re-install. Now when i install and try to run, i get the "Microsoft Visual C++ runtime error". . what the heck is going on here?




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