Hi all;

Maybe it's just my year for strange happenings, but I suppose this just might have an explanation.

My system has been slowly going wonky (please forgive the technical jargon) over the past few months and I finally found time to express my disgust by formatting my hard drive. One of the symptoms pre-format was browser previews of Xara1 animations were opening a foreign document. In this case it was something to do with Alzheimers and if memory serves (this is true dammit, I'm not trying to be funny, it just comes out that way) it was from some university study. Ok, flash forward to today where I'm muddling along with an animation, previewing it, more muddling and previewing. Out of the blue, one of the previews opens a document with this address: http://ksuweb.kennesaw.edu/~jmoran/caus.htm In this case it's about a Model United Nations. This may actually be the same institution that had the alzheimers document. It appears this only happens if I attempt to preview an animation when my browser (Firefox) is closed.

Have I found an Easter Egg? Did any of the Xara writers attend Kennesaw State University (I've never heard of it until now)? It's danged annoying following on top of everything else this box (WinXP, SP2, 512 ram, disk space up the wazoo) is throwing at me. Maybe I should stick to paint and canvas?

