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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    Sorry Joel I was afraid someone would actually start a thread based on your post.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    The thought never crossed my mind Bill, honest

    I'm a writer and cartoonist. Which is the day job? hummmm - depends which time zone I'm working in
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Dunoon, Scotland

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    I work in the Daily Record here in Scotland as a so called graphic designer! What does that mean? do you know all those silly adverts that you get in the back of newspapers well I do them here in Scotland. The "one foot Slipper", the holidays in Majorca for £110, the "weight reduction machine" that will take 4 stones off your weight in one week for £14.95 well I do these and more. The more thank goodness is slightly more challenging as they produce a weekend supplement which requires vectors as well as PhotoShop which means Illustrator but who can tell where a PDF first started its life in and that why XPro is such a help.

    Not sure this is the place to discuss politics and life issues I would rather talk about drawing!
    Design is thinking made visual.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Right here......

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    Albacore... I envy you, living in Scotland.... Beautiful country... I have already promised my son and daughter to take them there when my daughter is 6 or 7 (as my son is 10 right now) I just want to wait until she is old enough to remember the trip And then, our next trip will be Austrailia....
    And, as others have already said, so many great people, from all parts of the world. all coming together for their love of art.... that's very significant, and very special
    PS, hopefully we dont end up looking like the Grizwold family from National Lampoon's European Vacation

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Dallas, TX

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    I'm a mechanical engineer, and have worked in the design and production of automotive air conditioner compressors, evaporator coils (another component of automotive A/C systems), and water pumping stations for buildings that needed a pressure boost. I've also designed heat exchanger systems and firepump systems for buildings. As you can guess, I've created many mechanical drawings in my past, and had pretty much mastered AutoCad 2-D and 3-D drafting before I gave up that life due to disgust.

    I'm now chauffeuring a friend to pay the bills, while I put the finishing touches on a book that integrates science and religion by showing the astronomy that gave birth to both. It also illuminates a lot of the symbolism behind ancient mythology, and explains why Christianity arose from those earlier beliefs. This project has been more interesting and challenging than anything I've ever done, and I feel lucky to be in a position to do it. Of course, XXP has been an immense help creating the illustrations for it.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Livin' on Tulsa Time

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    I am employed as a Graphics Analyst for Civil Engineers - basically a Civil Engineering Draftsperson. My main tools are Bentley MicroStation and GeoGraphics, but occasionally I use Illustrator, CorelDraw, Acrobat, and of course, Xara. Besides the engineering graphics, I also troubleshoot hardware and software problems, printer/plotter problems, and network problems; perform system backups, update hardware inventory, and write documentation for the department.

    My wife is an Advertising Graphic Artist for the local newspaper. She is equally comfortable using a Mac or a PC for her graphic work.

    I primarily use Xara to produce graphics for our church and sports club. I'd like to spend a lot more time learning and using Xara Xtreme Pro.

    - Steve

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Hermosillo, México

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    I works as freelance.
    (I was looking for a job but i can´t find one.) haha.

    i make 3D graphics, graphics design and illustrations.
    I can't stop of working.. I will have the eternity to rest
    Madre Teresa de Calcuta.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Leicester U.K. Fox county

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    I am self employed as a graphic designer/ web designer with no formal qualifications. I work from home experimenting more than actually earning.
    I started designing logos as a young child and later fell in love with computers. After leaving school, I drifted into engineering where I became a craftsman. I left that after many years and finally drifted into my present job due to my need for freedom. I started off with a Mac and now have a PC, when I get some money I hope to get another Mac. My first graphics program was a freeware version of Ultimate Paint. I still have fond memories of the wonderful things used to do with it (in fact I think I'll try to look it up again after a decade or so).
    I was introduced to PS which I really enjoyed, especially making animations with it. A friend introduced me to Xara Menumaker when I was attempting my 1st web page and then I tried ScreenMaker 3D and then Xara 3D and the rest is history. I now only use Xara (although I have just this minute downloaded Ultimate Paint).

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Varna, Bulgaria

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    Im 32 years old
    My midlle education was fine arts - graphic
    high education was industrial design
    There I found computer graphics design, of course in university we have just Corel 5
    Still learning at high scool I was invited on my first job - industrial design studio, there I preffered Graphic design and prepress
    There my first shief showed me xara studio....
    I think it was first copy here in BG...
    from then to now I changed several companies, but always like graphic designer and pre-press master...
    Now I work in print house like senior designer and prepress master....

    will see in future....
    Sometimes Im going to feel tired from all this nervous, short deadlines, ideas ideas ideas, If I have to be honest, I didnt remember so many times that Im in bed before 02-04h morning....
    and all this already 13 years in shpere...
    Maybe is time for big change, full time self employed....

    [A]bort? [R]etry? or [S]elf distruct


  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    On Earth for A Little While / With Christ for Eternity

    Default Re: What is your day job?

    Minimiro & Bob(blues),
    Try to Avoid the stress, It the leading cause of ageing. The stress causes cel receptors to stop regenerating which makes us age quicker. A major stress event can age our internal organs by 5 years, so it's been said. Continous stress? Carefull... better dis-engage before it's too late!

    Curious what Xhris, Joel or Alien would take would be on stress since they are in the health care professsion.
    ----------- _~o
    ----------- '\<,, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep
    ><>____(_)/ (_) - in order to gain that which he cannot loose." JE




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