Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post

Technically I guess you might say that your second illustration is more refined, but I would say that your first car is my favourite - it has soul.

Your first car is my favourite illustration in this thread (by a long way) and I think it's going to be my desktop for a while. As you can tell, I really like 'the old'.

For me it's a superb illustration (no pun intended) that artwork doesn't need technical perfection to have impact and I'm so pleased that you've posted it - if only for that reason. I hope it'll be a slight antidote to the quest for 'photoreal' that dominates the forums lately.

Oh thank you Paul for your kind words. Guess i can lay down my atempts to do cars like Ron. Withs iĺl guess i never gonna be able to do. Just do the best i can.