Just a few minor ones...

Uppercase and lower case are two different beasties on everything except a windoze machine. Best to use all lowercase in you code. Many hours of hair pulling can thus be avoided. (Ask Mikey... he just learned the hard way.)

Use every bit of screen real estate you can get your hands on... Get rid of the built in borders in the browser... change your body tag to read like thus...

<body background="images/BACKGRND.jpg" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 topmargin=0 leftmargin=0>

Instead of

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" background="images/BACKGRND.jpg">

Change the background color to orange and the loading of the background fade will not be so obvious....

<body bgcolor=orange background="images/BACKGRND.jpg">

Make the flash full screen.... Egg would be the best to tell you how to do this for all browsers. Do not remember it off hand and it is too late for me to look it up.

Those are enough to start...