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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    London, UK

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    Doug, you're right. It's a rip off - you've posted it so many times that everyone believes you. Now get lost.

    Everyone else, we've wanted more upgrades more often. Now we've got them. Isn't that great? I think it is: I earn my living using Xara and am more than happy to see Xara make its living from people like me.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    It's always nice to get upgrades, even .point ones. Hope it has new features as paying for bugfixes is not so nice

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Atlanta, GA

    Default Free Market


    Xara can charge anything they want.

    And we may buy, or not.

    ( We, the people.. Or is it weeee...)

  4. #24

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    I think it's clear that we don't all agree on this. It doesn't do much good, though, to tell people to get lost. They might. And then someone might tell you to get lost. And you might... And then, it was all worth it, eh?

    Look, this happens every time something new comes out. People get antsy. But the mods can't tell people not to speculate, I think it's just part of human DNA. Hoping we made the right investment. Hoping our horse wins.

    One thing I think we can all agree on is that we hope Magix makes a bigger ( market share wise, capability wise ) and better Xara, and doesn't wreck the nice pedigree that has been built by CHarles & Co.

    My main concern is nimbleness, the low overhead vs. capablities balance. Others may have other priorities. I've been part of many software products that charged "X" dollars a year to keep up, some more frequently than Xara, some only once a year, if that. I always minded paying if the update was just a bunch of fixes labled as "new! Product 2008!". I never minded paying, even frequently, when the product was developed with insight, and I, the customer, was listened to.

    39 bucks is expensive if Magix starts turning a deaf ear, and packs Xara full of junk. 39 bucks is a godsend if Magix starts to rip into Adobe's market share with spirited development, and an independant mindset. ( Oh, and saying "no!" to bloatware, I can add that too...)


  5. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Surrey, BC, Canada

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    As a programmer myself, I believe that when you pay a price for software, you're paying to get something that does something that you want.

    As such, paying a price of some sort for an upgrade that provides you with new functionality of some sort, that's perfectly fine.

    Making you pay money to get fixes to software that you've already bought so that features work the way you expected them to, that's not kosher. Some may argue that you shouldn't care too much to pay for something like that because of all the work that went into it.

    In my opinion, the money I paid them paid for that feature already. It's like an act of good faith that I didn't get when I originally paid for, so here's an update for free.

    If the new version has bug fixes and new features, then it's up to the individual to decide if they want to pay to get the new features. But some sort of point release in between should provide the bug fix portion to the people that don't want the new features but DO want the features that they paid for.

    But then, we don't really know anything about this except as an advertised price, so it's a little too premature to start with the suspicions, I'd think. Maybe the person who made the announcement just didn't mention that there is a free upgrade for bug fixes, and that the $39 or whatever it was buys you something completely new.

    I would also agree that it's sort of irritating that they tell you that on a certain day, something will happen, without making any mention of what. I imagine that's because they don't want to fall into the trap of saying that a feature will be included, only to find that there are problems that stop them from being able to include it like they said.

    In a way that seems like a good sign, because it means that Xara wants to make sure that what they put out is as high quality as possible, so they don't want to tell you that something might be included if it's not as good as it can possibly be when it goes out the door.

    In any event, I'll reserve judgment until everything is fully disclosed.
    This signature would be seven words long if it was six words shorter.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    First of all June 4th is my birthday, so let me see if this launch will be a gift

    Will it be $39 + delivery? Or because it's a point version it will be by download?

    Will it include lots of new quality .xar files, teaching us even better effects?

    What I would like to see would be updated .eps and .psd import filters.

    Lets wait and see!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Box Elder, SD, USA

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    Are you guys trying to get information out of the staff of xara or maybe trying to get a beta tester to leak some info? Only Charles can and will release any info about 3.2.

    Personally, I have paid more than the measely $39 for lunch. I will have no problem ordering the 3.2 update even if the only thing they changed was the splash screen. Even if Xara sent me the software for free, I would still support the company by paying for the update.

    The software is excellent and well worth every cent I have paid for it over the years. I can't say the same for any product made my adobe, corel or microsoft.

    On not releasing the features list prematurely... If 3.2 has a great feature, that Adobe is also working on, Adobe would rush development to get the new feature out the door first. Do you think they would care if it works or not? I have seen releases of xara delayed in order to get the best possible product out there. Microsoft has yet to deliver on any of the features they have claimed (from MS-DOS onward) If a feature of xara does not work and is fatal (program crashes) the bug is fixed and a free release is made available. If the feature causes a major pain to most users than again it is fixed and released. If the feature doesn't work only when you are blowing bubbles in the bathtub, then they will fix it when they get a roundtoit.

    Now if this release has some bug fixes and the top couple of items from the "wish list" that are quick to implement then it is well worth $39. That is what I would expect from a minor change to xara.

    just my 2 cents worth...
    Last edited by raynerj1; 02 June 2007 at 02:34 AM. Reason: premature release...
    John Rayner
    For my Photography see:

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    The Netherlands

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    Quote Originally Posted by raynerj1 View Post
    Are you guys trying to get information out of the staff of xara or maybe trying to get a beta tester to leak some info? Only Charles can and will release any info about 3.2.
    Haha, yes that's what appears to be true
    But add to that the fact that people are curious by nature. So they'll try to get information, even if there's no chance that they'd be successful
    This is excatly why marketing works, too

    Quote Originally Posted by raynerj1 View Post
    Now if this release has some bug fixes and the top couple of items from the "wish list" that are quick to implement then it is well worth $39. That is what I would expect from a minor change to xara.

    just my 2 cents worth...
    If this release has bugfixes that are on the bottom of the wish list, but which are relevant to me, I'd upgrade just as well!
    If it smithes some bugs on the top of the wish list which are not relevant to me, I'll call it a day and wait for the next upgrade
    The thing is you gotta make up your own mind about whether you wanna upgrade or not. This is something that not many people are considering, apparently. Instead they've got the upgrade fever

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    My feelings on the upcoming update: Finally!!

    1. This is great Vector Graphics software and we know it’s the most powerful software available compared to anything else at this price, however,
    2. Xtreme Pro is need of an update and the list of desirable improvements, needed add-on features, enhanced tools and more powerful coding, aside from bug fixes is literally endless.
    3. I use other titles which charge hundreds of dollars for an upgrade, and I am always anxious for more frequent updates and upgrades especially for software from Xara because many of Xara's programs are sedentary or comatose and deserve more support.
    4. I am a long time Magix user and I believe Magix is a top-notch company. It’s a great match because their consumer level products are also extremely low price for the capabilities the provide. Magix also has several professional titles in their line-up which are exquisite, state-of-the-technology and which carries a pro price tag. At the same time they offer extraordinary free-full versions and download only e-versions at a substantial discount So I have reasonable faith that Magix is a fair and benevolent master.

    Last edited by chrismar; 02 June 2007 at 11:53 AM.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Varna, Bulgaria

    Default Re: Xara Pro 3.2 is $39 ???

    See all

    honestly, this questions about this 39$ for me are really funny.

    I live in that part of the world, when average montly pay is around 200-300$
    1 liter benzine is around 1,20$

    And nobody here dont make this 40$ on question...

    You others, where average montly pay is around 1500-2000$ or GBPounds, even Euros give howl to heavens fur this 39$

    Honestly this is just funny.

    If you dont like to pay something about upgrades, you are welcome to use adobe for example, dont forget just that base version will cost you 10-15 times (In USA )this upgrade now for rest of the world things are become diffrent...between 20-25 times much expensive...

    One Example - Photoshop in USA is ~700$, for us in eastern europe is ~700Euro and this with montly pay around 300$ which is over 200-250 Euros

    So please stop to behave yourself...

    If you want to upgrade - pay it, if you dont want keep quite please

    Otherwise if you have idea how to produce software without sold it for money, please contact with Charles M at Xara Ltd. Im sure he will appreciate it

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