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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default help with patterns

    I create + use patterns frequently in my work. I haven't had the need to create any until recently. I'm not able to "add image to library". This is frustrating because I've done this ad nauseum in the past. The only thing I have changed is that I recently added a 250 gb firewire drive and set it as the scratch disk. At first I thought I had filled up the library I was trying to save the image to, but the new library button is greyed out when I use the open library.

    Admittedly, its been a while since I've had the urge or need to create some new patterns, so perhaps I'm forgetting something. I seem to have a vague recollection of this happening to me in the past, although I can't recall if it was with painter iv.5 or x. Ususally I just check out a pattern and modify it or completely erase it and then add image, but even this isn't working. help

    I am using painter x, with a dual processor g4.

    thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Galloping Squirrel Ranch, Bend, Oregon, USA

    Default Re: help with patterns

    In the Patterns Pallet, select the "Capture Pattern" . it will ask you to name it, it will automatically be added to whatever Pattern Library you have open.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: help with patterns

    Thanks for the reply. I'm really quite familiar with how the whole pattern making works. It seems to have suddenly stopped working + I was wondering if anyone else was having similar problems.

    I've been experiencing minor bugs with the program such as the bottom of the layers + channels window buttons not redrawing. I figure Corel was in a rush to get this to market and there were little annoyances they were willing to let slip through + I thought the pattern problem might be one of them. With a program as complex + varied as painter it's got to be difficult to try + cover all the bases.

    I'm going to try switching the scratch disk back + see if that makes a difference. Is anybody else out there using another hard drive as a scratch disk?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Default Re: help with patterns

    Quote Originally Posted by troutB View Post
    Is anybody else out there using another hard drive as a scratch disk?
    I'm using an external hard drive for my scratch disk and, so far, no problems.

    Also no problems saving Patterns.

    I wonder if your Patterns library is just too full. I have a vague memory that I was not able to add custom items to a Painter X library some time in the past. Don't remember which library, though.

    Good luck getting this figured out!

    Jinny Brown
    Visit PixelAlley and The PainterFactory
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: help with patterns

    WTF. I opened painter IX + I can capture patterns to my heart's content but not with X. I've switched the scratch disk around + nothing changes in X. Can anyone capture patterns with X? Does anyone from Corel read this forum? I would like to think that I'm really just doing something wrong here, but what does it say that I can capture patterns with IX + not X?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Default Re: help with patterns


    Though I'm not able to drag a Layer into the default Painter X Image Portfolio (like several others who have the same problem), I am able to capture a Pattern and save it to the default Painter X Patterns library.

    The tutorial below is not specifically for Patterns libraries, but you might be able to apply the principles to your situation.


    A few people in the Corel Painter X newsgroup and in one of the Corel Painter the Official Magazine forums have been talking about a problem dragging image Layers into the Image Portfolio to save the Layers.

    The person who asked about this in the Corel Painter Magazine forum happens to also be the person who found the solution.

    Since she didn't elaborate and a lot of new users might not understand how to work the solution, I whipped up a tutorial this afternoon and posted it in one of the Corel Painter Magazine forums.

    Though I wrote it for people having this problem in Painter X, the tutorial works in earlier versions as well.

    If you're not using Painter X, you probably won't have the problem but the tutorial includes instructions for creating a new custom Image Portfolio. That you might want to do one day if you don't already save Layers there for future use.

    Maybe a few people here will find it useful, too.

    Corel Painter the Official Magazine

    Forum Name: Hot tips/ A problem shared

    Thread Name: Adding images to image portfolio....

    Jinny Brown
    Visit PixelAlley and The PainterFactory
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: help with patterns

    Sorry, I'm not getting how this is supposed to help capture patterns. It's a completely different process. WTF is Corel doing releasing such a buggy program? Are they planning to fix these issues anytime soon?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Default Re: help with patterns

    Quote Originally Posted by troutB View Post
    Sorry, I'm not getting how this is supposed to help capture patterns. It's a completely different process. WTF is Corel doing releasing such a buggy program? Are they planning to fix these issues anytime soon?
    Hi troutB,

    Sorry, I had the impression you were more familiar with Painter or I'd have explained earlier. (Or maybe you are, but just didn't have time to read and digest the entire tutorial?)

    The ties between the two processes are:
    • They both involve libraries (Patterns and Image Portfolio)
    • These libraries can both be managed using the Mover utility accessible via the palette menu, either Pattern Mover or Image Mover, depending on the palette.
    • In both cases, the user is unable to add a custom item to the library.

    If you read my lists of steps, you'll see how the solution might also be applied to the Patterns library and Patterns palette. I say "might be applied" because the fact that we're not able to add Layers to the default Painter X Image Portfolio, on some systems where the user can't Capture a Pattern and save it to the default Patterns library, may have the same reason and this is the only thing I can think of at the moment that might be keeping you from capturing Patterns.

    The fact that we're not able to add Patterns to the default Painter X Pattern library may not be a bug at all.

    It could be the Corel Painter Development team set it up that way so when people Export and share Painter X Workspaces, the default libraries will always be the same on the receiving user's computer. Only custom libraries will vary from user to user. The default libraries, are read from the Painter X application/program folder while any custom items are stored in, and read from, the Painter X User folder's [Workspace Name] folder. That is, they should be, if the user plans to Explort and share their Workspace(s). Some items are automatically written by Painter X to the Painter X User folder's [Workspace Name] folder, others need to be placed there by the user.

    If the user doesn't understand how Workspaces need to be managed and installs extra brush libraries or custom brush libraries, for instance, into the Painter X application/program folder's Brushes folder, then tries to Export and share their Workspace, those extra brush libraries and/or custom brush libraries will not be included in the shared Workspace.

    The user who receives the shared Workspace will only have the default Painter X brush libraries and default art materials libraries in their Painter X application/program folder along with anything they've added to that folder which may or may not match what the shared Workspace originator has in that folder.

    It's complicated, but if you work with Workspaces for a while, it begins to make some sense.... slowly.

    Almost forgot to ask:

    Were you trying to capture a Pattern with the default Painter X Patterns library loaded?

    Last edited by Jinny Brown; 23 April 2007 at 10:02 AM.
    Jinny Brown
    Visit PixelAlley and The PainterFactory
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day.
    Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime. Chinese Proverb

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: help with patterns

    just add that I have separate [internal] HDD for scratch.
    no problems whatsoever capturing patterns and adding to palette in painter X
    whether default library or no.
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: help with patterns

    I always use my own libraries. I don't use the default library. I have done the tut. I can make a new library but I can't capture except in IX.




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