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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hamilton, Massachusetts

    Default Xara opens in multiple windows!

    I discovered this by accident: if you open Xara (Start > Programs > Xara), and then do it a second time, you get two windows working independently and you can copy/paste from one window to the other. While I've used two windows for only an hour or so, it seems to work just like multiple windows of Word (...and why don't other MS Office applications work this way?)

    Anyway, I thought I'd pass this discovery along for those who don't know it.

    I use dual monitors, so multiple window capability in an application has real benefits. Often, I'll draw a new element in a separate Xara file with its own guides and zoom, then when it's right, I'll copy the new element into a larger poster or illustration. Now I can see both windows simultaneously.

    In the past, I've used the Window > New View feature, but multiple windows is far more flexible.

    Just wanted to pass this along to anyone like me who didn't know this was possible.

    Strategy | Innovation | Facilitation

  2. #2

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    Have you ever tried creating a new document? You can switch back and forth, copy and pasting from multiple documents within the same app. Maybe that's what you mean by NEW View? I navigate the multiple windows under WINDOW and select document. Multiple apps running will eat up your RAM.
    Last edited by Crypto; 07 April 2007 at 09:09 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    If you do open xara as 2 seperately running apps you can actually open the same document in both
    I mention this as something to avoid - I have done it by accident - it can be interesting [ ]
    Nothing lasts forever...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    You can also have several open documents in one window and use Alt + Tab to go back and forth. So, you can copy and paste from one document to the next.

    When I do my tutorials, I have a file called buttons which contains vector format buttons, icons, menus, cursors, and a variety of things I have recreated over the years.

    Then I open a new document for the tutorial and go back and forth via Alt + Tab to the buttons page to retrieve objects for the tutorials.

    The great danger of working on the same document in two separate windows, is you might save the wrong one. I just did this this week and had to recreate the illustration from scratch. Ack!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post

    The great danger of working on the same document in two separate windows, is you might save the wrong one. I just did this this week and had to recreate the illustration from scratch. Ack!

    Bad news Gary! Thats why I avoid doing it now because as you say that tends to happen sooner or later - I prefer not to live in those sort of interesting times any more.....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    You can also have several open documents in one window and use Alt + Tab to go back and forth. So, you can copy and paste from one document to the next.

    When I do my tutorials, I have a file called buttons which contains vector format buttons, icons, menus, cursors, and a variety of things I have recreated over the years.

    Then I open a new document for the tutorial and go back and forth via Alt + Tab to the buttons page to retrieve objects for the tutorials.

    The great danger of working on the same document in two separate windows, is you might save the wrong one. I just did this this week and had to recreate the illustration from scratch. Ack!


    Really? I thought ALT + TAB scrolled through apps that were open, not docs? Sounds like you may be opening several instances of Xtreme to display your tutorials (like the Oirginal Poster)?
    Last edited by Crypto; 07 April 2007 at 06:37 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Galloping Squirrel Ranch, Bend, Oregon, USA

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    CTRL + TAB scrolls between open docs in an application.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Hamilton, Massachusetts

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    just to refocus this thread: I think we all know we can open multiple docs within a single application of xara. For small copy/paste tasks, this is the way to go. But I started this thread because the discovery that I could open two Xara files side by side on dual monitors was a really useful thing to know if I want different guides or zooms at the same time: for example, working at large scale on components (window A) to fit into a complex poster (window B).

    Yes, it eats more CPU, but I find XXP is very good about not tying up CPU when its not actively doing something. I just think of it as having Xara and Word, or Xara and Photoshop open at the same time: no biggie.

    Use or ignore this tip as you see fit.

    best to all,
    Strategy | Innovation | Facilitation

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    Not knocking it Dave - a good tip, in fact I often do it myself with two screens, especially when I want two different zooms at the same time.

    I just make damn sure I don't have the same document open twice at the same time, but use separate workfiles - thought I'd make a point of that because oh the grief that it can otherwise cause....
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Default Re: Xara opens in multiple windows!

    Though I am new to XX I have been doing graphics with some very low level software for a few years as a hobby. I have always done a combination of what Dave and Steve suggest. I like having at least 2 windows of the item open when working on it, but like we all have done I have saved the wrong one before so to get around this as soon as I copy to a new window I do a save as and give it a new name. My original is alway 000-graphic_name from there I can have 001-graphic_name, 002-graphic_name, 003-graphic_name you get the idea. Yes this does use HD space and also RAM however if a project is important enough for me to work on it is important enough to use my computers resources. When I get my project the way I want it I go back through all my various saves that have different names and delete all that I no longer want or need but I have found that for me it is safest to wait until the project is completely done before doing that. If after doing my deleting I only have one file remaining then I can change the name to graphic_name removing the number prefix. If I have decided to keep numerous variations then I rename in a way that allows me to tell at a glance which is which, such as graphic_name-blues, graphic_name-mosaic.

    Doing what I have stated above fits my purposes, it might fit yours it might not but it is nice to know we have a place that we can say 'Hey I just found out about this and it works for me. (or it doesn't work for me but I think it might help someone else.)'




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