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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Birmingham, England / Javea, Espana

    Default Re: need extreme help. Creating Vector outlines

    Glad to see you have got to grips with the process needed. After a while it becomes suprisingly second nature to do, though much harder to explain how.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: need extreme help. Creating Vector outlines

    Nice tank - great you got there! fast and versatile is what it be
    Nothing lasts forever...

  3. #43

    Default Re: need extreme help. Creating Vector outlines

    It is absolutely foreign to go from MS paint to xara. Most of the difficulty I think I was having was centered around vocabulary. Shapes, objects, groups, etc are concepts, but in xara they have concrete definitions; this was often a stumbling block for me.

    For example, a person would say something akin to "now trace the outline to make a shape". To a guy off the street a shap is of course a line, but in xara a line isn't a line until all segments meet. Or "you can get more definition by layering" which means, to a non-user, to dress for the cold weather.

    The videos helped, especially the tulip one. You guys are also awsome! I've never been on any sort of membership driven site where people worked so hard to convey information. Most are full of "experts" that are actually 13 year old kids who dismiss or trash your efforts. Bravo to you all, and my thanks. You've made a Xara user out of me in two days




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