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  1. #1

    Default a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    I fear that my wish is contumelious.
    but I have the hope, that someone says "so what" and is doing it.
    okay, I often use e-frontier's Poser to create little scenes or some figures.
    for someone like me, not able to draw someething more than circles or triangles freehanded, is it a big help to realize some pictures, that I have in mind.
    but my biggest wish is to create a comic, anytime.
    Poser is a pure 3D application. but there are ways to get toon/comic/manga-like results.
    one perfect way how to make 2D Comic Art in Poser is described here:
    at the end of the process, there is a line render. not bad, but not good enough for telling it a "comicdrawing".
    there is some strangeness if you zoom in on the lines lines. and they’re kind of rough up close, and Poser puts spaces between them.

    okay, no problem, because the author has made another tutorial to correct this. it explains, how to go to make a kind of full-fledged inked drawing.
    it is going deep into postwork on the line art. but specifically, this tutorial is about digital inking in Adobe Illustrator.

    you can find it here:

    you will say: and Xara? what is the guy telling us for the relation to Xara?

    okay, the author says:
    "In addition to some experience with vector drawing, you’ll need the following:
    - a vector drawing program. If you have the means to get it, I highly recommend Illustrator CS2, and this is what my examples will reference."

    Ha! Who needs Illustrator CS2, if he can have Xara (in my thinking)
    And so I thought about asking here in the forum for someone, that could rebuild the tutorial to do everything described for Illustrator CS2 in XaraXtreme.

    this should be possible, I hope. I don't know Illustrator CS2, but Xara must do the same and maybe easier and better.

    associated to it is my hope, that some people, interested in creating comic-art with poser and postwork in a vector orientated program, while reading the tutorial for Xara will think: "oh, what great kind of program is that Xara! I want to buy it!"

    with the permission of the possible author, I would promote the new tutorial at renderosity to tell the people there, that Xara is the perfect solution for them.

    okay, please tell me, if it is too much work or too hard to translate from Illustrator to Xara or my please is a little bit to barefacedbarefaced.
    as a 40years old fool, I could stand the rain.
    kind regards


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Question Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    Last edited by Doug; 19 February 2007 at 08:24 PM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    You have wishes, dreams, and hopes, Holger. Those are valuable mental qualities to be able to materialize ideas into tangible concepts. Some of your wishes, mentioned, are capable of being done with means at hand and circumstances as they are.

    An other of your thoughts, or request, is not viable. That is to hopefully expect someone in this forum to rebuild and re-distribute a tutorial authored by aka jwebster on the Renderosity.com Website. That is a question concerning derivative works, re-distribution, refutable Fair Use, and above all permission--a written consent--by the named author, including agreements on Terms Of Use and copyright policy.

    There is a fortune worth of tutorials available on the TalkGraphics and the XaraXone Websites produced by skilled and enthusiastic Xtreme and Xtreme Pro practitioners. Make one of your feasible dreams of being able to do cartooning in Xtreme come true! Take your time and study the talented Bob Hahn's fantabulous and first-class video tuts in depth at Cartoons in Xtreme.

    One day you might introduce one of your own tutorials in this forum. I, for one, will look forward to that day!

    Cheers, Anders
    Last edited by Anders 205; 20 February 2007 at 08:21 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme


    I agree with Anders 100%, and I don't think it could possibly have been put any better, so I'll just back up what he said - watch Bob Hahn's video tutorials and the rest.

    If your drawing skills are basic all you need is practice - you can do it ALL in xara

    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #5

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    okay, I see.

    last question- is it right to say: everything, that could be done in Illustrator could also be done in Xara (maybe on other ways, but with the ame result)?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger View Post
    okay, I see.

    last question- is it right to say: everything, that could be done in Illustrator could also be done in Xara (maybe on other ways, but with the ame result)?
    well no not absolutely everything, but you can certainly make comics in xara and people do

    check out the artwork here:


    it does work differently to illustrator, but you'll get results, easier and faster for this sort of work, you wouldn't need another program, that what I'm saying - you could do the whole job from start to finish in xara
    Nothing lasts forever...

  7. #7
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    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    On the up side I've learned a new word - contumelious.

    What Illustrator does best is it's match up with its own products - Flash, Photoshop and PDF etc.

    What Xara does best is its vector artwork. I test drove Illustrator and the work flow is so clunky that I had to grit my teeth every time I opened a document.

    I use Xara Xtreme, haven't upgraded to Pro yet and have found little it can't do in the way of making art.

    I use Xara a lot when integrating with my 3D work, UV map texturing, making transparent backgrounds etc etc. (Pro now has the ability to export in Photoshop Layers)

    At the price either one would do you great service with Pro giving you more advantage.

    Using Xara, you will have the sharpest tool available when it comes to vector artwork and there are no doubts about that.

  8. #8

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    Quote Originally Posted by Holger View Post
    is it right to say: everything, that could be done in Illustrator could also be done in Xara?
    I suppose Xara Group Ltd/MAGIX AG are reserved the rights, and if appropriate, to issue and publish a user-oriented statement of the far-reaching kind in question.

    Cheers, Anders

  9. #9

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme

    as I opened my thread some minutes ago, I was really outraged!
    I saw Dougs "Delete" and thought: oh, what kind of answer is this?
    It was unexpected. But the guy must felt really cool, writing this.
    So I tried to understand, what could has been wrong with my posting.

    And then I read the other answers, saw the phrase copyright and had an idea.
    I read it twice and tried to translate it very careful. And now I think, there was a big missunderstanding.

    I used the word "rebuild" and I am sure, I have not explained my message in the rigt way. I am very sorry for that.

    Maybe someone like me, not able to write in a foreign langugage in a clear, correct way, should not aks for complex things. There are too much possibilities to baffle (?) someone.

    I never, NEVER had in mind the following:
    "could anybody please steal a tutorial, create with the content an new and tell the people out there 'hey, it ms my own new idea. I am great!!!'.

    No! If my thread could be understand in this way, please, belive me, that was and still is NOT my intention.

    I only asked myself (and then you here at talkgraphics), if the thing, that the author explains with illustrator, could be also done with xara.

    and I thought too, that maybe someone is here, that have the same interest like me, using poser and vector-postwork to create comics.
    an maybe such a person could make a tutorial, that explains, how to do this, what is explained in the illustrator tutorial, but with xara.

    only in ADDITION to the original, only with permission from the author.
    In the same way, like the following: Someone made a tutorial for Word and someone another one says: Great! And for those people, who only use Wordperfect, I will tell you, how you could do the same in Wordperfect.
    So both kind of users could solve their problems.

    But now, after seeing, that I was missunderstood, because I wrote liable to be misunderstood, the thread is now closed in my mind.
    Now, I only had the wish to explain, that it was NOT related to any wish to steal anything or harm copyrights or anything else.
    I hope, I could explain this and found the right words this time. Really.

    Kind regards

    Last edited by Holger; 20 February 2007 at 04:29 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Default Re: a special request: converting a tutorial vor adobe illustrator to XaraXtreme


    I doubt if anyone meant any harm, but was just pointing out - just in case one did not realize it.

    Basically, what you are looking for is a tutorial similar to what was shown.

    Since both are Vector driven art programs

    - the simple answer is yes Xara can do what Illustrator can do when it comes to art.

    The big difference in my mind and others that use Xara is the work flow is much much easier in Xara.

    As far as a specific tutorial from Poser it's a good idea, maybe someone will tackle the idea as a project, but use a different approach.




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