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  1. #1

    Default Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Today Xara announced that is has been acquired by MAGIX AG - a German software company. I'm posting this to try and answer the most likely questions that arise from this;

    How does this affect the future of Xara products?
    Mainly it means no great change. Xara Group Ltd has simply had a change of owners. The company will continue to operate as before, and will continue to develop Xara software as before. Indeed the management of the company, the day-to-day operational control, product design and development teams remain as before.

    However Xara will develop product to be supplied both under the Magix brand and the Xara brand. So future versions of Xara Xtreme, for example, will be available under the Magix brand (which is aimed mostly at the consumer market) while Xara will continue to aim at the higher more professional market.

    So what are the benefits of this move?
    This move not only brings greater financial resources and stability to Xara, but will also greatly enlarge its user-base. Magix is the number number one retailer of consumer graphics, audio and video products in Europe, and a large player in the US as well. This means for the first time in 10 years that Xara developed products will be available from retail outlets throughout the world.

    This in turn means we can invest more in R&D and accelerate the development of Xara Xtreme, both easier to use low-cost consumer versions and higher-end professional versions.

    Why is this different to the Corel deal?
    This is fundamentally different. That was a licensing deal we did with Corel 10 years ago. We had a product that competed against CorelDRAW, so in the end Corel always preferred to promote CorelDRAW instead of CorelXARA. Magix have no products that compete with Xara's. There is no conflict of interest.

    Magix are a growing, very successful, profitable company. They go back just about as long as Xara, but have been more successful in their sales and marketing. They ship millions of units into the retail channel per year, around the world, which is an extraordinary achievement. They are looking to Xara to help improve their product lines, specifically in the photo and vector graphic areas.

    Magix seems very focussed on low-cost consumer products, so what does this mean for future versions?
    Well Xara has also focussed on low-cost consumer graphics software with the likes of Xara 3D, Webstyle and Xara Xtreme so there's a fit there. But Magix also develops and sells some high-end professional products (e.g. www.samplitude.com) and the model will be similar for Xara in the future.

    Most members on this forum know and believe in the superior usability, performance and value of the Xara products compared to the competition. Our main problem, as mentioned many times on this forum, has been our lack of retail distribution. Well that problem is about to be solved.

    I think this is a real opportunity for Xara to expand and accelerate development in the future.
    Last edited by Charles Moir; 30 January 2007 at 07:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Wow - my congratulations for a great deal, Charles!

    I think, this is the right way to bring Xara Xtreme into Media Markt or other retail stores.

    Kudos to you!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Global marketing can make Xara products a house hold name

    Will this affect the open source project?
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Straight from the horse's mouth.
    Thank you for taking time out to inform us.

    'Tis good that MAGIX has no competing products and that its existing products, like Xara's, are competitively priced.

    I hope this works as intended and further development becomes even more efficient.
    "Intbel" ... "Can't" is not an option.

    Compliance is futile. Resistance is futile. Just do your own thing an' ignore 'em.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Charles, I really hope you're right, but I feel like I've just lost my best friend.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    United Kingdom

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    I hope this will not slow up the distribution of the CD. I too feel like I have lost an old friend, proud of the fact the company was British . Time will tell how good the change will be.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Beaverton, OR

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    A big sighhhhh.

    My two favorite pieces of software Xara and SketchUp have passed ownership within the last year or so. I respect Charles' judgement/business sense so I leave it to him and pray (a term I don't often use) that Xara software will be better off a year from now than what it is today.

    That said, Charles I hope this will eventually mean a new bitmap editing program that is Xara-like in easy-of-use, code-effeciently, speed, unique approach, and implimentation.

    >> And same question as Bill Taylor, "Will this affect the Open Source Project?"

    >> Fur unser Deutsches freunden, kennen sie Magix? Can you tell us of your experiences with their software?
    Last edited by jclements; 30 January 2007 at 10:40 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX


    Firstly congratulations to yourself (and Kate) on a personal level. You have invested many years of contribution to this software and deserve the rewards.

    On a users perspective I must admit to a far greater trepidation. As a user of Computer Concepts software for many years, I am a "dyed in the wool" Xara fanatic. I've followed the program into Windows (from RiscOS) and the disasterous liaison and subsequent 'divorce' from Corel.

    I've also been frustrated by the lack of further developmemt in recent years only to have been encouraged by the change of pace within the past twelve months.

    However life is all about change and I wish the new company well in it's endevours. It is adopting a very loyal user base and I hope it appreciates this and want's to develop it further.

    Could you possibly give a link to MAGIX site so we can be sure which company we're dealing with.

    All the staff at Xara should also be mentioned. I hope each and everyone of you find satisfaction and contentment with your new employers.

    To quote Allison:

    Charles, I really hope you're right, but I feel like I've just lost my best friend.
    Last edited by Egg Bramhill; 30 January 2007 at 10:16 PM.

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  9. #9
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    Lisbon, Portugal

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Quote Originally Posted by amoore View Post
    Charles, I really hope you're right, but I feel like I've just lost my best friend.

    I wouldnīt express myself better... Thatīs exactly what i feel...
    This type of news always scares me. First was Adobe buying Macromedia. Iīm still praying for Fireworks (fortunately seems they will keep it and now Xara.... sigh ...iīm still shocked!!!
    Seems thereīs nothing more to be bought in my fav software list by software giants.
    I hope this is for the best and that Charles and all original Xara team keep working/developing Xtreme because thatīs the group of people that has made Xtreme the tool it is today: the best vector graphics program around.

    Congrats to all

    PS: Egg, the company is Magix AG. http://www.magix.com/
    They were known mostly by their music creation software, specially Magix Music Maker. In recent years they have expanded their software portfolio to imaging and video products. I still have my old Magix Music Maker laying around but I hav'nt touch it in years.

    Miguel B.
    Last edited by MEB; 30 January 2007 at 10:51 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Red Boiling Springs TN USA

    Default Re: Xara acquired by MAGIX

    Egg the link to samplitude.com is the professional audio division of Magix.

    And of course http://www.magix.com takes you to their home page.
    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update



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