Well I must be one of those abnormal Mac users that proves the rule because Terminal lives on my Doc and 90% of the software I use is OSS software compiled from source, thank god for Fink.

Although it may appear to some that Xara is "wasting" their resources by developing an open source version of Xtreme on Linux I would propose that the way they are doing it is actually very smart. Much of the work on the OSS version up to this point has gone towards moving Xtreme to a cross-platform toolkit. This will allow it to be built on Windows, OS X, Linux and various other UNIX like operating systems while looking and behaving like a native application on all platforms. Of course, the big advantage of this is that Xara doesn't have to maintain and update n different banches of Xtreme, 1 for each operating system that they want to support.

I also wouldn't be to quick to discount the open source community on Mac. If I remember correctly much of the work on the Mac port has been done by a volunteer.