Hi Intbel.

It seems to me that your site has a small identity crisis. On the one hand it has personal musings and on the other hand it's offering your services. I think that can work if your musings and the services you offer coincide, but I'm not sure that is the case here. I think most talkgraphics people accept your site as a personal one rather than a marketing one, so in that case we can accept the warts and all.

As a marketing venture it's got problems and miress and others have a point. The best way forward if you want to develop a site to market your services would be to have a marketing specific site and really work on that to get the presentation as it should be and remove any personal musings.

Big Frank has already mentioned "Before and After" magazine in another thread and that would be a great place to start; I'd also suggest googling for other sites that offer similar services and check out what the opposition is doing.

If you're approaching all this as a laid-back hobby, then just leave sleeping dogs lie, as it were.
