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  1. #81

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkMyWords View Post
    I'm on a constant search for the best software for my particular needs, but I know I'm not going to find one perfect program...
    Amen. It is very difficult to design a software program that does one thing well let alone a dozen things well. For example, I would much rather have Xtreme be an excellent drawing program rather than a pretty good drawing program and a mediocre bitmap editor and a mediocre page layout program and a mediocre animation program.

    I wish more projects/companies would stop trying to be all things to all people and focus on doing one thing really really well. Combine that with good support for moving my data around so that I can choose the best tool for the job and I'm a happy camper. I'm sure most companies dream of having a vertically integrated product stack just like Adobe but lets face it most of them don't have the resources to pull it off.

  2. #82

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    I pretty much agree Jed, it can be damn frustrating when you have two programs each excellent at specific jobs, but with incompatable file types.

    I've given up trying to get files from Sketchup to Xara and export huge bitmaps to Photoshop then reduce them instead, still not ideal, but we do what we must LOL!

    Ben, thanks for your suggestion, I think I've tried most Macro programs out there and they are still clunky and over-complicated (not to mention a pain -especially mouse recorders) compared to Adobes Actions.

    I'm teetering on the edge of buying Mangastudio ex (I'm reluctant to pay Adobes extortionate prices for Illustrator). Mangastudio would seem to many here to be the perfect example of 'bloatware'. Personally I see it as having more of the tools I want than any other program (including Actions!), still not perfect LOL!, but along with my trusty old Pshop7, I reckon it'll do most of what I want.

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkMyWords View Post
    I'm on a constant search for the best software for my particular needs, but I know I'm not going to find one perfect program, at least until some company goes with the idea of a 'modular' program (as mentioned by another poster).

    So that each user buys and 'plugs in' the various componants they need and want (before any puts me straight - I don't want an explaination of why that 'can't be done').
    But you know, the guy from Seattle isn't able to realize his visions up to now. Or he is not interested anymore.

    Quote Originally Posted by ankhor View Post
    And I would have liked a modular approach, where I could purchase SOME of the upgrades from pro. Although $120 might be too high for me, a lower price with some of the features of pro might be affordable
    and you just get the upgrades you want and/or need. Certainly as an amateur, I just have a Jpeg or a Gif output, I don`t need to print or
    printshop compatablility industry standards.
    I think it's no big problem at all: There will be two versions of Xara Xtreme in the future - a $79,- version and a $199,- version. And I think, there will be also a update with some enhancements for the $79,- version in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by stlewis View Post
    I would summarise this as:

    1. average 'home user' - don't buy
    2. serious or more wealthy 'home user' - buy
    3. professional (of almost any level) - buy
    4. anyone who wants to help Xara with cashflow because you respect their products/strategy/fight against Adobe et al - buy

    For any pro, just one of the major new features will save the cost over a month or two. Unless you are on a silly daily rate!
    I agree with this. If you need some of the functions of the professional version, go for it - otherwise be patient and wait for a update of the $79,- version and there is also a third option: The open source version for Linux. (btw: In my eyes, Apple users are able to pay a little bit for a Mac OS X version. )

    Quote Originally Posted by Availor View Post
    If it was open source with a donate button then yes. Surprisingly, more people are willing to donate more than if the software was paid a price for, so it seems.
    I'm not sure how much bucks Freeware or OpenSource developers earns through these PayPal buttons. (Personally, I can't remember me, paying for a free or open source software...)

    Quote Originally Posted by GeoBen View Post
    btw - you might consider the open source GNU Licensed AutoHotKey (www.autohotkey.com/) as a scripting alternative. check out the docs... it has a lotta useful features.
    You'll find some discussions about this and some special experience with AutoHotkey in this thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by jedfrechette View Post
    Amen. It is very difficult to design a software program that does one thing well let alone a dozen things well. For example, I would much rather have Xtreme be an excellent drawing program rather than a pretty good drawing program and a mediocre bitmap editor and a mediocre page layout program and a mediocre animation program.
    I agree with you. If you're looking at the new enhanced text functions within Xtreme Pro, you're able to see, that implementing some new functions into a excellent piece of software is a time-consuming process. And personally I don't need new animation functions in a professional version. But on the other side, I would love to use my favorite graphics editor as a DTP program and other users would love to use Xara Xtreme as a enhanced animation tool. Therefore I'm satisfied with the new Professional version so far. I'm willing to pay the upgrade price and if the developers are able to produce a additional Update of Xtreme Professional in 5-6 months again, I'm willing to give them my money again.


  4. #84
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    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    I think it boils down to this.

    If you are a hobbyist and can afford Xtreme Pro, terrific.

    But if you are a serious design professional, and by this I mean you earn your living doing design, then you invest in the best programs/tools that help you do your job. If Xtreme does the things you need and you have no other needs, terrific. If there are things that Xtreme does not do, then supplement Xtreme with other applications. If you are any good as a design professional, Xtreme, Adobe CS2, Quark 7, and all the rest of your design tool investments, will pay for themselves in no time.

    There seems to be a lot of hot air being blown off in this topic that comes under the general category of duh-uh. Know what I mean?

    Last edited by gwpriester; 19 November 2006 at 06:30 PM.

  5. #85

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    That isn't the point Gary, what you say is common sense, we all know this.

    I think to be honest we have strayed from the thread topic into a more general discussion of 'if only they would...' etc.

    The point is; no piece of software is going to satisfy everyones needs and trying to use combinations (I use five programs for art - the bare minimum I can get it down too) can be problematical, with issues like file imcompatabilities for instance.

    There can never be a 'perfect' piece of software, so we all get along with what we have.

    I know there are probably unavoidable and complicated technical (and financial) reasons why no one makes a modular style software that users can 'build' into their own customised program and I know such a thing would still not be perfect, but we can dream.

  6. #86
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    Jan 2006

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    The journey is what counts and Xara Xtreme and Pro are the tools that I prefer to travel with.

    There is indeed a lot of hot air in this thread; both about the price and the features of Pro.

    It seems obvious that some users really do not buy much software. An upgrade for $120 or the full Pro for $200? Cheap as chips if you can use the feature set. If not, why worry about it.

    Anyone priced other Pro level software tools lately for other categories such as digital audio?

    There will always be features that you personally want but are not included. All you can do is either get the upgrade or don't buy it. The rest is just idle gossip, Monday morning water cooler talk!

    Hint:The present version of Xtreme doesn't stop working just because the Pro version was announced. Keep using it if that's what your circumstances dictate.

    Duh-uh indeed Gary! :-)
    Last edited by Doug; 20 November 2006 at 03:59 AM.

  7. #87

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    Wow, some of you guys could take the fun out of a lottery win !

    All of my requests over the years have so far been included in later vers, for that many thanks.

    Charles, any chance that special blend feature is or will be included ?
    and if .jpg can now work in Outlook, does that mean that .png will too, that would be really cool as I use .png for PowerPoint presentations and have sometimes needed to include the same elements in Outlook ?

    Also, if the naysayers would caste their collective minds back to when Extreme was launched without Pantone - mention was made that a sep. ver. would in the future include that as some users did use Pantone, although many didn't. Pantone is expensive to include.

    Gary, thanks as always for showing us the fun features so soon !

  8. #88
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    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    Quote Originally Posted by ginger44 View Post
    Pantone is expensive to include.
    I can well imagine that Pantone would want substantial licensing fees.

  9. #89
    Join Date
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    Miami, Florida; Los Angeles, CA

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    I’m enthusiastically downloading Xara Pro now and am looking forward to some of the new features. However, I didn’t notice a spell checker on your list. I use lots of text in Xara and think it would be a great idea. Did I miss it, or did you?


  10. #90
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Default Re: Xara Xtreme Pro announced

    Quote Originally Posted by Joe Skeesick View Post
    Oh agreed. I think it's a great addition to have and very kind of Rubem to allow it to be included. I just couldn't let the name pass with out a quick jab.
    Point taken... Will change it for the next release
    Rubem Pechansky



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