Hi Risto,
you're right, there are no detailed installation instructions into the Readme-File of the "Random Posts"-Plugin.
- Download the plugin
- Upload the plugin to the wp-content/plugins folder in your WordPress directory online.
- Access the Plugin Panel in your WordPress Admin Panel and click on "Activate" behind the listed plugin "Random Posts" to activate the plugin.
- To insert the plugin in your current template, search for the right template file and insert the following PHP code. For example: If you use the standard WordPress theme, and wants to insert the random Posts into your sidebar, insert the following PHP code into the file "themes/default/sidebar.php".
if (function_exists('random_posts')) {
// Description:
// The function random_posts displays a configurable list of random posts.
// Parameters:
// $limit - No. of posts to show.
$limit = 4;
// $len - Lenght of auto-generate excerpt.
$len = 100;
// $before_title - Text to appear before the entry title.
$before_title = '(Text before the entry title) ';
// $after_title - Text to appear after the entry title.
$after_title = '(Text after the entry title) ';
// $before_post - Text to appear before the entry excerpt.
$before_post = '(Text before the entry excerpt.) ';
// $after_post - Text to appear after the entry excerpt.
$after_post = '(Text before the entry excerpt.';
// $show_pass_post = Include/exclude password protected entries (Default: false).
$show_pass_post = false;
// $show_excerpt = Show/hide excerpt (Default: false).
$show_excerpt = false;
random_posts($limit, $len, $before_title, $after_title, $before_post, $after_post, $show_pass_post, $show_excerpt);