Hi Miguel - I believe that new features added to the open source version that do not violate any GNU licensing will be added to the Windows version at some point in time. A hard drive to run Linux shouldn't be very expensive if you can find a dealer of reclaimed or refurbished hardware. I'm running it on a 13GB hard drive and a 500MHz AMD processor.

James glad you are at least lurking here. The gold was done on the fly using the HSV sliders in the Color Editor. Just something to quickly test the bevel function in r 1623.

You are correct about X-Windows. The Linux GUI's have been available for years, it's just that they all seem to suffer from time lag. The newer releases have improved alot. KDE is more responsive than Gnome in my opinion, but I like Gnome better for some odd reason. You can have Linux boot up to a GUI, or you can have it boot up to a graphic interface where you can select amoung the GUI interfaces you have available or to a terminal mode. For servers I prefer terminal only.