Sorry, galleries: I think the only new gallery in 0.6 will be the line gallery. The galleries that do work are missing what is called the "library element" - that's the predefined bits that are loaded from disk. I've got that on my list of things to do, it shouldn't be a huge task, but some areas have problems (e.g. the library element of the colour gallery is pantone colours, and Xara can't open-source them for licensing reasons). I was hoping to get this working for 0.6 but we decided getting basic printing working was more important so I have spent time on that instead.

Quickly going through the missing galleries: Frame Gallery - in essence animation just isn't there in LX, lots of work to do. Font Gallery - lots of windows specific code, lots of work to do if we support installing of fonts, not so much work to do if we just support system fonts and leave font installation to the OS. Name gallery - problems due to poor internal data structure, lots of work to do. Colour gallery & fill gallery should be no problem once the library element is done as it's 100% library data.

As far as artwork done with the Linux port of Xara is concerned, no I don't think there is a forum specifically for that. But it should not differ too much from work done with Xtreme. As one of the other threads has shown, you can already do nearly all the common operations with a recent Linux version. I'd love some people to be using it "in anger" though and send some drawings in.