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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Leigh, Lancashire, UK

    Default Precompiled LX for Mac?

    I've tried compiling LX for the mac, followed the instructions and failed miserably - I don't see any great hope for me being able to sort the issues because my Mac dev knowledge is low.

    Is there no way of being able to get a precompiled version of LX? Most other opensource efforts (firefox, et al) seem to do regular compiled builds that people can use, I was wondering if there was any way that it could happen with Xara.

    As a side-not, i can't wait for the day I can start using Xara on my iMac - it's so frustrating having to boot my Windows laptop just to use XX.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    Hi Michael,

    It's great that you tried. A Mac version of LX will be wonderful when we can get it going but at the moment all of our (Xara's) effort is being put into the Linux version.

    From your attempts to build it you can probably guess that there is not a reliable working version of LX for the Mac at the moment and so there's no precompiled version we can make available.

    I am working on an Xcode project to build LX in my spare time and I'll make that available when it's a bit further advanced. That should make it much easier for you to build a version.

    And when LX on the Mac is more reliable, we will absolutely make simple installable versions available to download.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Leigh, Lancashire, UK

    Default Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    One day I will have Xara on my iMac, and that day will be good.

    Thanks for the reply.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Thumbs up Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    I too have tried a couple times and keep hitting road blocks. I'm reasonably savvy with building things on my own, but I'll be snookered if I can get it to build all the way (yet). Definitely looking forward to a binary disto. I've been a Xara fan and promoter since 1995.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    Quote Originally Posted by dbalmer
    .., but I'll be snookered if I can get it to build all the way (yet).
    I suspect that you are snookered until you can get it to build all the way, and once you have your own build, you will not be snookered.

    Can you think of any sort of forum or mailing list where you can post your exact problem and get some advice/shoulderto cry on/someone to laugh at your misfortune. Do you have a local Macintosh User Group where you can show what you have done and see what interest there is?


  6. #6

    Default Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    Quote Originally Posted by michaelward
    Is there no way of being able to get a precompiled version of LX?
    If you can make tracks to Bedale on June 17th, then, Deo volente. I will give you a CD containing the latest Mac build. Given that yesterday's was r1141 and the month before, r916 you can expect a version not unadjacent to r1325.

    (If, as is your right under the GPL, you want to ask me for the corresponding sources then I would need some notice as the build tree is 3.24 GB in size and does not fit on one CD).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: Precompiled LX for Mac?

    Wish I could make over there too. Want to thank you guys for all your continued efforts on this application. I eagerly await an OSX binary disto. Given I've been waiting years for the Xara folks to do it, I can certainly wait a few more months.




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