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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK


    In the next Workbook (May 15) Gary Bouton has a Guest Tutorial that deals with color models and he has a very good example of various color spaces and the range of colors each can produce.


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Beaverton, OR

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Mind reader .... !

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Yes, I'll look forward to reading the workbook..

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    USA; Rocky Mountain Region

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    I am just in the middle of a new image with Xtreme that also brings up this ? for me too.....thanks Zee for the timeliness of your question. but, Gary, being so new to X I need to make sure I'm getting it--gotta print by sunday (14th).

    I just discovered the
    Window>Show Printer Colors>Simulate Print Colors
    the pallette definately changed--so this must be CMYK colors enabled? (as mentioned by minimiro) my 'purple' changed to a 'red' as per your attachment. but then I used the color editor in combination with the new CMYK pallett and changed the colors back near more what they were. Am I risking the accurracy of color in my print compared to what I'm seeing?

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK


    Colors do change in CMYK mode as you have noticed. Bright greens and cyans become muted, purples become blue or reddish and loose a lot of their intensity.

    So for CMYK output you are better off creating your colors in Simulate Print Colors.

    The other factor is how accurate your display is. If your display is not well calibrated, the printed color can look markedly different. I am lucky to have a pretty reliable DELL flat panel monitor and Windows XP. So my screen color using the DELL profile is pretty accurate. My monitor is a touch warm (towards red-orange) but not enough to make a big difference. But I can predict when I print in CMYK that my colors will be a bit cooler.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Varna, Bulgaria

    Talking Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Quote Originally Posted by jclements

    Hope this posting is clear enough.

    Isn't there a graphic which shows a color gamut with an overlay of the RGB and CYMK "boundaries".

    Where those boundaries overlap (mutually inclusive) would represent a shared "safe-zone gamut" between RGB and CMYK?

    If so, then if there was a image of this, couldn't you then you use the eyedroppe in the color editor to pick "safe" colors.

    Yes, its called Photoshop

    But my modestly opinion like print-designer is that is a litlle bit dully to work first in RGB then convert to CMYK, then go to save the situashion with prepress.....
    [A]bort? [R]etry? or [S]elf distruct


  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    USA; Rocky Mountain Region

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    thanks Gary. I've already seen differences in what I see in my application and what I upload here. nice to know of a good monitor for when I upgrade.
    thanks too minimiro for all your helpful input

  8. #18

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Sorry to bump my question again but i still dont know what colours i should be using in the colour line..

    When i use the CMYK template i see the selection of CMYK colours. Also on the colour line and after the selection of CMYK colours i have an even bigger selection of RGB colours.

    1. Do i need to limit my colour selection to the CMYK colours
    2. Can i edit the CMYK colours and still expect good results when printed (for example change the colour 100%C 50%Y to 100%C 59%Y)

    It's a whole new world going from web colours to print colours, the CMYK template i a god send, i just need some clarification on how best to use it.

    Thank you very much.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Coldfuel: I'm not an expert but I think the answer is this: If you select CMYK colors and turn on Simulate Print Colors, the printed results will approximate what you see on the screen.

    You can change your CMYK values if you want.

    Color digital printers actually use 4 toner colors: cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y) and black (B) to generate the print, so by defining your color as CMYK you are telling the printer exactly what to do. You are also relying on the Xara "simulate print colors" function to be accurate. It's pretty good. Remember that every printer is different, and outputs can vary greatly.

    Since most print shops don't support XAR format, you will have to generate a pdf for them. Make sure that you use press settings in the distiller, which will manage the colors so that the end result is what you are expecting.

    You can also go to a print shop and borrow a CMYK color chart. Then you choose the colors you want, mark down the CMYK values, and use these in Xara. This way you don't have to trust the Xara "simulate print colors" function to be accurate.

    I'm sure there are others on this forum with more expertise than me, so maybe some of them will chime in as well.

    Good luck!

  10. #20

    Default Re: convert RGB to CMYK

    Thanks Crash Test,

    Essentially then i need to stick with the CMYK base colours that are specified in the CMYK template and edit them to suit my needs.
    The RGB colours also on the colour line i can ignore?



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