This solution they've announced is a dual boot, so it's either Windows or OSX, and no easy switching between the two (you have to restart).

What I'd like (and I suspect most other Windows users) is Windows on a Mac at the same time as OSX. I.e. Windows in a window. You can get this with VirtualPC for the Mac (which is slow and emulates the PC), but this doesn't work on the new Intel Macs. But I hope and believe it won't be too long before we have native speed Windows in a window alongside OSX. Then you really can have the best of all worlds.

But I don't think this diminishes the need for a real native Mac version, just that it would make the transition easier. We can't really say to customers. just buy and install Windows before you use Xara. So our goal remains a real native version on all three platforms and complete file compatibility across all versions.