There are three, possibly four, requests in this thread. If any of these are missing from Xara LX and are wanted then you could file a Request For Enhancement in the Bugzilla for the one or ones which would most suit you..
  1. Xara LX should be able to export to SVG as in 'Export for Web'
  2. A converter, interchange format and instructions should be provided to freely change XAR files to equivalent SVG ones
  3. It should be possible to 'flip a setting' and have Xara work natively in SVG, or some other available format
  4. Export part or all of an illustration as rendered file in a pixel format

Exporting to SVG may be the most convenient for you, but if it is, you will either have to justify treating the SVG format specially or have an Export menu and system for handing exporting preferences that can also handle other people's choices such as PDF, EPS, Ilustrator 88 and perhaps others.

Whilst a separate or standalone converter handles that problem, it may be less convenient in use, and may lose information without giving proper warning.

I would guess that exporting a render will be provided, but this is partly a matter of configuring colour space settings, resolution and so forth, and whilst making a simple picture for the web, or making an icon of a given size is probably going to be easy to support, you might prefer to have a separate or even a third party program (such as TeX. Povray, or the Gimp) do rendering and Xara save as a printer friendly format such as PDF (or to come round full circle, SVG).
