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Thread: [layout]

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default [layout]

    This is a layout im working on its gonna be a jokes site/funny pics i need a lil feedback on it colors, design, layout thx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2000

    Default Re: [layout]


    Not sure if there's that much to give feedback on, as it's just a static picture with no content. The look of things will change completely when you add content to it.

    - The colour: It's green! Works as well as any colour I guess. Depending on how, and what kind of content you will be adding, introducing an other colours to help organize the information, might be a good idea.

    - The four navigation buttons: What do you do if you need to introduce 6 more?

    - The font: Not sure what is going on there... It looks ragged? It's not the easiest font to read.

    - JOKES and AFFILIATES section: Looks small, and won't carry that much information.

    - Ads here: If you are thinking about using an ad network such as Fastclick, Casalemedia etc. You are not allowed to place banners there, as they have to be above the fold. Google Adsense you can place anywhere but probably not perform as well if placed above the fold.

    - The header: Why make it blurry and difficult to read? You can still have an outer shadow, but why make the letters soft?

    - If the template is a fixed width - the things is quite inflexible.

    That's what immidiately comes to mind.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Default Re: [layout]

    thx for the feedback mate, with the buttons i guess i would have a problem there as far as adding more later and the font your right im gona get another one. Yes the jokes section is small but just links will be in there going to the main iframe in the middle of the page. The ads i was gonna use Adsense would it be better at the top maybe with a heading of more jokes? Thx for the helpful comments. More Are Welcome.




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