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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    British Columbia, Canada

    Default Re: Illustrator CS 2

    Quote Originally Posted by John Rayner
    Awe... Glenn...

    For someone who works in the psychology field you have a hard time relizing how resistant to change people, in general, really are. If it works do not mess with it.
    Ah, John; the operative phrase is "if it works". Being in the psychology field I know that the secret of success in helping people develop the motivation to change, is to bring them to the realization that what they are currently doing is NOT working -- at least, not as well as what they COULD be doing. Isn't that also the first task of any salesperson? The new Xara introductory movie does a great job of fulfilling this task.

    The second task is to demonstrate convincingly that the change they fear is really no big thing, and can be accomplished with just a little effort, which will be generously rewarded by the resultant benefits. One way to address this task is through testimonials; but there are many other ways as well.


  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    Out behind the henweigh...

    Default Re: Illustrator CS 2

    Microsux users know there has to be something better. Mac/Adobe folks are convinced theirs is the best. Almost like a hare Kirshna thing...




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