Hi Gary,

Thanks for your response. I did spend about an hour looking at all the remarkable images done in ZBrush. Several amazing images by “Nikko”, nice work Dan!

3 years to learn TrueSpace -Groan- I thought because it was mostly GUI it would easier to learn!? I have used AutoCad and more recently TurboCad, so I am somewhat familiar with 3D drawing but not much with rendering, (I guess that’s what it is called to add the fancy surfaces etc.)?

I’m a bit confused by your apple and orange statement. Is TrueSpace the apple and ZBrush the orange or Adobe Dimensions the “other fruit”? You seemed to have gotten
the “hang” of ZBrush very quickly. Is that because of your experience with TrueSpace? You said ZBrush is, “modeling and rendering at the same time.” Does TrueSpace only model?

I spent some time at Adobe looking at a very scant set of images done by Dimensions, in fact only part of the images - never an entire image done in Dimensions. They look very plastic and very “computer sterile” not what I was thinking of.

I am interested in animation - does ZBrush do animation, I didn’t see it mentioned anywhere? I hope all these newbie questions aren’t nagging!

What program did you do the animation? Love the shadow following along! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]

Thanks for any consideration,

Bob Centamore