Thank you John,

but I have researched the Wacom and while it seems to be the tablet of choice that is one of the reasons I DON'T want it. It's a shame that more folks don't try out and support smaller companies so they are urged to improve their products. It seems to me that Xara wasn't always the top dog, but now it is, IMHO!! But it was SUPPORT that got it there. They were able to make it out of Corel's arena and out on to their own.

I want to support a tablet that IS NOT Wacom. They are, IMHO, overpriced. Paritally the reason for this is they are one of the only ones that are universelly accepted, but it doesn't have to be that way. There should be options out there and affordable ones at that!!

So again, I need some input on getting this JamStudio tablet. Seems that people ARE using other tablets in XaraX with no or little problem. So at this point anyone out there that is using this tablet, please come forward and let me know if you like it. Is it compatable with Win2000?? ect.........

Thanks again
