I never had any previous versions before, I have observed the same thing Mike talks about. I mean:
the first time I tried to do something quite complex, nothing seemed to move anymore, so I thought XaraX was frozen, and I Ctrl+Alt+Deleted, feeling indeed very disappointed. But after seeing the far more complex things that are shown here on the forum, I tried again, and simply let things as they were. The result was that on my P800 machine with loads of RAM, I had to wait nearly FOUR minutes, but at the end, the task was fulfilled.
Of course this is not a real solution for the crash problem with big files.
Suggestion: why not activate the source meter, and check your memory sources regularly? Perhaps all the memory is already taken before you open Xara?

Me too, I wait for the patch, although I'm not really shure it will solve all our problems. But most known issues will be fixed, and that's already a relief.

On the other hand, Xara is not the only one to simply quit: nearly all programmes do, and even my friends with their Macs and Adobe apps admit they have regular problems.

[This message was edited by Erik Heyninck on February 20, 2001 at 11:29 PM.]