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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Clifton Hgts, PA, USA


    I purchased Xara Webstyle & Xara3D. My question is would it be worth it to get Xara, being that I have PaintShopPro 7. It seems to my that they are about the same. Can anyone comment on the pro's & con's. If anyone has both which one do you like working with the best? I paid around $70 for PSP & I see that Xara is $149. I downloaded the trial Xara, I admit that I'm floundering around abit with it. I must state that I'm a novice as far as both programs go also, a novice to creating web pages. Looking forward to you comments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Clifton Hgts, PA, USA


    I purchased Xara Webstyle & Xara3D. My question is would it be worth it to get Xara, being that I have PaintShopPro 7. It seems to my that they are about the same. Can anyone comment on the pro's & con's. If anyone has both which one do you like working with the best? I paid around $70 for PSP & I see that Xara is $149. I downloaded the trial Xara, I admit that I'm floundering around abit with it. I must state that I'm a novice as far as both programs go also, a novice to creating web pages. Looking forward to you comments.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    London, UK


    A similar topic came up a little while back, although in relation to Photoshop:


    Most of us use at least one vector tool and at least one bitmap tool.

    For web work a vector tool has a lot of strengths. The Xara tools you have are probably (I've never used them, just read about them) fine for buttons and screen graphics, but if you need to create diagrams or more complex graphics, then XaraX is best - despite the concurrent topic on the future of XaraX! PSP's vector support ain't the same at all.

    If you have to process photos or scans, XaraX can bring some tricks to the party, but PSP or similar is better for more sophisticated editing and optimising them for web use.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Red Boiling Springs TN USA


    Hi Dave,

    Welcome to the forum. I have Xara X and PSP7, and Xara X is my favorite of the two. Although, I haven't given PSP7 as much attention as Xara X I have tried PSP7's vector tools and find they are harder to use than Xara X. But, if you need to manipulate pixels, PSP7 is very good.

    a.k.a. Bill Taylor
    Bill is no longer with us. He died on 10 Dec 2012. We remember him always.
    My TG Album
    Last XaReg update

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    XaraX and Paint shop pro are really quite different. XaraX is fully vector shapes and abilities. Paint shop pro has minimal vector abilities (enough to make some shapes) and raster tools (pixel-based tools like paint brushes etc).

    XaraX allows you to quickly and easily manipulate nodes on shapes, apply vector based transparencies and fills which are fully adjustable (unlike a raster-based effect which when applied to a raster shape is basically there unless you undo some steps or paint over it). It's great for design ( creation of visual web design ideas is great and fast) but more chaotic artistic images have been made as well.

    If you want to use tools like smear, paintbrushes, smudge, blur ... etc etc ... XaxaX istn't your best bet as it doesn't have these tools. It's good to have a vector and a raster program. Or in PSP's case one with a bit of basic vector things and raster tools.

    All I can say is keep trying the demo and check out some tutorials a bit and see if you want it or need it.

    David K ... www.dkingdesign.com http://www.dkingdesign.com/stuff/signature.jpg

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA



    How serious are you about creating images? If you just like to tinker with software then you are probably fine with what you already have.

    If you want to create images like the ones in the XaraXone Featured Artist Gallery or in the Xara X Tutorials (also in the XaraXone) then Xara X is a must have.

    I'm extremely predudiced of course, but for my money, you cannot but a better vector drawing application than Xara.

    For a simple explanation of the difference between Vector and Bitmap images See this page in WebXealot #30.


    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Nova Scotia, Canada


    Hmmm , I must disagree with the words "tinker" and "serious". These are words someone used in reference towards me on another board when I said I use PhotoImpact and not Photoshop. Incidentally, you'd probably find many users of Illustrator labelling XaraX as fit for tinkerers too.

    I don't think it's about tinkering or not tinkering ... it's about whether he needs more vector tools and doesn't need raster tools. If that's the case then XaraX would be better. If he wants a mix of both types , stay with PSP. If he wants a huge degree of raster tools and very minimal vector creation, go for Painter.

    David K ... www.dkingdesign.com http://www.dkingdesign.com/stuff/signature.jpg




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