Thanks Gare ...ya I am going to even out the musclature.I am trying to work out the wing connections at the moment.

I will do the next capture with out a smoothing tag so you can see the shape better,I think its better then a wire,you can actually see something that way.

Waldodessa - Thanks for that very kind offer but I can pull off a pretty nice render myself ,thanks anyway

Thanks Earl - I have this strange feeling of de ja vue..hahahahaa ....color not sure maybe grey,I am using bits of T rex and dinos for reference,What do you think,maybe grey with a bit of black?

Thanks Gidge - Most of those wrikles I modelled look better without a good light rig,seeing how they look now though I am going to reduce some of them,which will only make the rest easier to work on

Seeing as you guys are interested I will update it again today...have worked on legs etc.
