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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Thanks for all the replies people. Replies to various points.

    I won't reply to jens g.r. benthien specifically anymore, as the tone and aggression is quite clear. English being the second language or not, he's still making racial slurs (amongst other things). The only point I will raise, in case anyone reads things in his posts and worries, is that no topics are not being closed—they’re being moved.

    As stratocast said, "he implementation of an "Off Topic" section is useful and hardly a revolutionary concept for a forum like this". I don't think I know of messageboards without them really. The difference is that TalkGraphics.com has never been given that opportunity, so there are habits that have been formed and people 'made do'. But now there are better options, IMHO. I'm not expecting change overnight, and this isn't now some cull of anything off-topic, people won't be banned or anything else so silly. But there's always someone who brings up the "free world/free speech" and talks like they are persecuted. As my posts before indicated, I was encouraging posts in off-topic so that it can start being used. There's no need to feel the Xara X forum is the only outlet now, there are better options. You're still the same people, posting the same things... just in a different subsection. Jens' own website has different sections. One for logos, one for 'about us' etc. It's totally the same for a messageboard, everything has a home but it’s still the same community.

    stratocast also said: "BTW, shouldn't you have posted this in "Announcements, questions & suggestions section"????". Yes... but as the complaint started regarding topic moves, I decided to leave it here (for now). But again, this makes my point for me. Does a casual Xara X user want to see a user making complaints? No, that's what a specific forum is for.

    Ivan wrote: "I had a similar impression about administration in the 3D forum recently. One of the most dynamic Moderator had left this forum and deleted all the topics he had posted before. I asked two times on the forum what had happened and only the second time the administrator replied all those topics were probably moved, beeing OT. I was also pointed to a link which had nothing to do with what I was asking about." I don't know who spoke to you, or the situation there... so I can't really comment. But it's a shame if the moderator removed their posts... I don't think they should do that, but if they have the damage is done. The move was not in relation to any changes I've done recently.

    Ivan also wrote (and RAMWolff pointed out): "I think an OT forum isn't a bad solution, but it would be imperative to work like it was done at this link here on another forum. As you saw, a copy of the moved topic stays at its original place ..." I completely agree 100% with you on this. But the messageboard (stupidly) doesn't support this. So at first I just moved the topic, which I felt was bad as then no one knows what happened to it then. So I had to take the inefficient steps of copying it, then posting a message in the old thread then closing it. I am hoping that moving to the new system will allow us to move topics properly. If they don't, they will hear from my strongly. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

    Ivan also wrote: "I agree also about good manners, but there are also questions of subtlities there ! Before changing anything so important on a forum (like AntonyF did it) that would be important and respectuous to previously ask their opinion to the users. Sometimes very good ideas can emerge from a dialog. For me a long experience isn't enough to justify an unilateral decision. Each community is different from another." Well I did, as I said, speak to various people anyway because I didn't want to seem like I was barging in. Gary was the very first person I contacted before I changed anything. But this is going to be an evolutionary thing; I've spoken to the moderators at least once (Gary more so) and I will be increasing contact with them in the future. Community members' feedback is everything, but ironically I found there was no one to ask anybody. I also wanted to post about the board downtime, but there was no where to post. So these events spurred some of the changes. Hence there's now an announcements and feedback forum. So changes can be discussed and ideas can be given. So I find it funny that as part of the changes, a process has been put into place to gain feedback, but I'm being accused of not doing listening.

    joroho, thanks for your comments.

    JonR wrote: "Natural conversation tends to wander from one topic to the next. One thought brings out another which brings out another. If you look at any of the longer responce posts they tend to wander from the original posting quite a bit." Absolutely, it's a natural progression with messageboards. I think this is the time when moderators make the call. If it goes completely off-topic then maybe some action is needed. But on the whole, I personally tend to edit very lightly on straying posts. I'm hoping the new system will allow thread splitting. This allows a section to be farmed off into its own topic if it warrants it. But again, my moderators at my other communities don't use it much. Very light moderation is always the best. But it is up to the moderators to make these choices... which leads me to a point about moderators.

    Some moderators have gone off... which is understandable, everyone has lives and being a moderator is an often thankless task. But the moderators here at TG I feel (and have had feedback to this extent) have had no boundaries, they don't know what's officially allowed, what's officially not etc. So this is why I'll be working with the moderators over the coming months on various issues. Firstly we'll get a structure going (you can call them rules, that'll scare people like Jens). Basically these rules won't be any different to what's going on now. But it will just specifically state the dos and don’ts, so if someone does come in and upset the community we have clear guidelines on what to do. And problem makers do occur, and on Gary's feedback a new user now need a valid address to subscribe to the community (more feedback from people in the know, then changes made accordingly for the better).

    Some new moderators will also be joining. And we should hopefully be having some more new forums too (these will be decided from a combination of moderator feedback and, you've guessed it, opinions of the members via polls and discussion in the announcements and feedback forum).

    We'll be having the new system soon, which will be very much like you see the messageboard now, but is still being developed which will hopefully lead to new features.

    And then there's any other benefits or improvements we make in the future. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what we can all achieve. This is everyone’s community, so anyone can bring up ideas (and hey, we have a forum for it!)

    I will just make one final point about the off-topic thing which is a big factor of all this. I will speak to mods more about this issue, but I still firmly believe in a dedicated forum for it, it's conducive to any good community. We could merge every forum on this messageboard, but we don’t. People like Jens don’t complain about the Xara gallery forum, or the Menu Maker forum, so I don’t see why off-topic should be any different. It feels different, and strange at first, I know, but doesn’t everything!

    But, an important point: with the new system, we will have certain limitations on the number of posts. Some will have to be archived or deleted after a while. Now, the division of forums is imperative for moves such as this.

    When it comes down to it, do we delete six-month old off-topic posts, or six-month old Xara X posts? Really, it's a no brainer. The Xara X forum is an absolute wealth of brains and good information. I used to read the Xara X forum before I even registered here. I used to use CorelXARA before I even worked for Xara! I have a real interest, and I totally believe in this forum and its worth and I feel it’s probably the most important around here.

    We really don’t want to be in a position to have to delete portions of the Xara X forum—losing valuable Xara X posts—while space in the forum is being taken up by off-topic posts which are saved purely because they were posted more recently.

    I hope people can see that there are always many factors that lead to any decision (even if they’re not apparent to everyone).

    I look forward to working with you all on TG now and in the future.

    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    andalucía · españa and lower saxony · germany


    you are a liar!
    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> I won't reply to jens g.r. benthien specifically anymore, as the tone and aggression is quite clear. English being the second language or not, he's still making racial slurs (amongst other things). The only point I will raise, in case anyone reads things in his posts and worries, is that no topics are not being closed—they’re being moved. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Check this thread:
    OT from Gary W. Priester
    and you'll see that you **closed** the thread, making it impossible to post a reply to this specific thread right here in **this** precious forum.

    Again - if you want to play God, please buzz off, this is the wrong place for wanna-be-Gods.
    Or leave the - in your opinion - OT threads open for replies. This is **our** community, not yours.

    You've mentioned you to have more than 6 years experience in running a forum or message board - ha, ha. You empty nutshell don't even know how to reply using quotes to turn your posts more legible.

    And thanks a ton for threatining that you don't want to reply to my posts anymore - it will be a real relief for all of us, because this will save us from your impertinent lies.

    What the heck does give you the right to decide if something belongs to this community or not? You didn't even show us your statistics, there haven't been any charts for us to investigate your statements.

    Keep going to play God and I will consider to bomb this forum with OT topics with a nice script from several machines at once, until the talkgraphics servers will die. You won't have the slightest chance to remove or even move all of them. And believe me: I am serious, because I can't stand arrogant 'wanna-be-Gods' at all.

    As an admin you should know how vulnerable a forum or message board server is. So let the community decide what will fit into this forum. If you continue to manipulate the content, I might start to rule the servers with my technology - sittin' on an OC-3 it'll be just a nice killing game until you'll be forced to leave - forcing someone else to play God to move you to a differnt place where you can't upset any Xara X forum members anymore.

    jens g.r. benthien

    If you don't know how to dream you'll never be a designer.
    We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Norway & Sweden & USA


    Anthony, I thank you for your efforts here at TG! You are doing the ONLY right thing regarding Mr. Benthien: ignoring him.He's a crude crank who thrives on attention and "challenges". Deny him the satisfaction, and he will hopefully leave us.

    I don't really have very strong feelings on this OT-OT topic. :-)

    www.klausnordby.com/xara (big how-to article)
    www.xaraxone.com/FeaturedArt/kn/ (I was the first-ever featured artist in the Xone)
    www.graphics.com (columnist, "The I of The Perceiver")

    www.klausnordby.com/xara (big how-to article)
    www.xaraxone.com/FeaturedArt/kn/ (I was the first-ever featured artist in the Xone)
    www.graphics.com (occasional columnist, "The I of The Perceiver")


  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA


    Please, everyone. If we are, as Jens suggests, adults, then let us behave as adults, eh?

    Keep your posts civil (polite). Having a discussing of improving or not improving the conferences is one thing. But turning this topic into a flame fest of namecalling and rude remarks is not acceptable.



    Gary Priester

    Moderator Person

    <a href="http://www.gwpriester.com">
    www.gwpriester.com </a>

    <a href="http://www.xaraxone.com">
    The Xara Xone </a>


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Louvain-la-Neuve, BELGIUM


    Thanks for your replies, AntonyF

    Some suggestions again inside this topic (Afterwards I will try the new way) :

    - I allways enter the forums by the Talkgraphics.com Flash page (I have bookmarked this page) and that's probably why I didn't even locate the OT forum at first time. This page could better reflect the actual structure of the forums that it does. Why not add a "Community" or a "Feedback" Section on this page which could contain "Announcement, ..." and "Off topic chat" as subsections ?

    - I invite you to take a look at the SILO forum which is one of the best I know. One of the the big differences is that Silo's programmers are involved in the forum's structure and they are daily present on it. On this subject I have found that recent Charles Moir interventions were a must. The use of sticky topics can be very useful too.

    On the other hand, one detail about which I am intransigeant : the use of concepts. Even if he was rude I really don't find any "racial" slur in Jens comments ! Perhaps some ironical and impatient reflexion about people of his native country. I am a Belgian (unlike Jens I am attached to my country, but perhaps he does too) and I never hesitate to express my opinion about some bad sides of belgian mentalities (one of our previous Kings himself even said something like "Tiny country, tiny people, tiny ideas, ..."). Please don't amalgamate these two so different concepts. Racism is a shame, philosophical or political critics is a part of freedom of speech and democracy. This is not the place to widely discuss about that kind of things, but all amalgames or conceptual reductions might be taken as brain manipulation and are extremely dangerous for democracy ! That's my thought.

    And now I am going to sleep !


    My mini-tutorials

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ivan louette:
    Thanks for your replies, AntonyF

    Some suggestions again inside this topic (Afterwards I will try the new way) :<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No problem. For now, it's pertinent in here. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I allways enter the forums by the Talkgraphics.com Flash page (I have bookmarked this page) and that's probably why I didn't even locate the OT forum at first time. This page could better reflect the actual structure of the forums that it does. Why not add a "Community" or a "Feedback" Section on this page which could contain "Announcement, ..." and "Off topic chat" as subsections ?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Again, very true. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif I have actually updated the Flash file (and fixed some broken links within it) but I just need to upload it to the server. The Flash page has some problems anyway... and so more changes may occur with that anyway. At the very least it'll have non-Flash links, for accessiblity reasons.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I invite you to take a look at the http://www.silo3d.com/forum/ ... The use of sticky topics can be very useful too.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I'll take a look, thanks. In terms of sticky topics, they were very poor before as it wasn't obvious they were sticky. They are more obvious now, as part of the recent changes to the look. It's on my list of things to talk to the moderators about, as they may not all be aware of the sticky function or its new effectiveness.

    I also plan to do little bits focusing on the top messageboard topics etc. to bring people's attention to things of interest. For example, did you know the most popular topic of last month was Gary's 'Adobe Photoshop CS & ImageReady tryout' topic? http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif Second was the topic started by Charles, about the Xara X Shadow Icon. All little things going around in my head to do in the long run that are nice additions to the messageboard.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>On the other hand, one detail about which I am intransigeant : the use of concepts. Even if he was rude I really don't find any "racial" slur in Jens comments !<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    It was just the Stasi comments mostly. I have thick skin, but I don't think such comments are good for a messageboard community and are totally OTT considering what this is all about.

    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>And now I am going to sleep !<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Thanks for your comments.

    And I'm off back to my own messageboard, which I'm currently upgrading about four versions worth. Got a bit behind. http://www.talkgraphics.com/images/smilies/smile.gif Better finish it before bed!


    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.
    I'd start a revolution, if I could get up in the morning.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    Nitra, Slovakia


    Well, I found Jens starting post of this topic unnecessarily long and impolite too.

    However, I either agree with not removing offtopic topics until it's really necessary, or offtopic topics should be marked moved: when they are moved away (exactly the way as new topics are marked "unread" once a logged user opens the page after some while)





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