Hey, Klaus, did you finally buy a mac or so? Just wondering...the way you write about Adobe's "superiority", the construction your of phrases, your arguments...this is really mac talk (I won't write Apple talk because that at least is a kind of communication...). Or do you suffer from a new fit of ego constipation?

I, for one, cannot paint with Talens oil colours. They contain too much oil, and a large quantity of the pigments are replaced by filling agents. I prefer Blockx and Oudt Hollands.
Yet never in my life I've been involved in something as silly as a discussion on which brand of oil paints would be the best. I know a French painter, François Schlesser ( http://imagic21eme.free.fr ), who uses Talens. Looking at his work is sufficient to make all the bigmouths shut up.
What I want to say is that it is high time to become a bit civilised, and stop spitting out opinions that add nothing whatsoever to the conversation on the topic.

When someone has really worked with any app untill he got it in his fingers, and the work of this specialist shows clearly that his work is not up to the stardards set by another specialist using another app, then we may conclude that app a has not the same quality of app b. When Gary posts this image, no one can tell whether it is done in PS, PP, PSP, the Gimp or any other app. All the rest is a waste of time.
Shorthly I will install Linux on a puter. And I am shure that the Gimp will be the first Linux app I'll open. I have seen many fascinating things done with it. And I don't have to invest my money as I can download the latest version of most known Linux distributions from the Internet.

I don't post often anymore at TG. The atmosphere lacks enthusiasm and some kind of friendliness I need to function well. Pity. Sorry to read that Ivan left...