Hi Risto,

I can rebuild the entire site (all 5000 pages) in 45 minutes. On the machine where it was originally built it would take about 6-8 hours to build the site, another 8 to upload it. I use MS access to create Perl data files (the bulk of the time is here)then, run a perl script to build the pages.

for number 1 I download the latest data, use access to sort and create perl data files, then run the script to create the 20 something pages. Then upload the new pages (this takes the longest time)

"But 5 and 6 looks like they are done in Frontpage." - Risto

thanks for the kick to the head... One designs to please the client. If that is what they want, that is what they get. Frontpage could never create 6. It is a dynamic site. I just modified an existing script to give it a unique look.

check the source code for all these sites. It is clean and designed for the fatest loading possible. For instance, #1 is a 700K webpage, and still loads extremely fast, even on dialup.