Hi Weed...

Select the faces you wish to color a specific color...

go up into Window>Outliner

you should now have the outliner window open...

left click select "default", then right click and choose "duplicate"...

now left click select on the new "default 2", right click and "rename" to whatever you will be calling this new color....

now left click on this new name, then right click and choose "edit material"... then in the new window which pops up, choose say "diffuse" by left clicking the little white color box beside same, and go for making the color you are looking for... do an "ok". and another... then right click on the named color and choose "assign to selection"

It sounds like a lot, mainly becuase it is eh ... this coloring thing in Wings is hoky at best eh, but.... it works, and once ya get used to it, well... it is pretty easy after a few attempts....

* note* when you left click select a color, then right click to "edit material", you will notice that there are a couple of sliders there, one for "shininess", and one for "opacity"...

slide the one for opacity down to say fifty percent and hit ok.... now hit shift/tab together and you will notice that color on you model is now showing the transparent property...

"2nd note" also notice that when you left click to select material, that you may also "select" by material choice.... very handy indeed

have fun...