A friend had a logo designed some time back but he only ever needed it for his website until now. It was originally done in Photoshop but the designer has since disappeared so no hi-res original to work from.

Now he needs and EPS for his Printer. I suggested getting a quote to have the logo re-constructed using the website GIF as a template. I can't see it as a very challenging job but I'm short on both time and Xara expertise.

If anyone's interested, you can see the logo in the top left corner at http://www.mghproperties.com

I figure if I have the reconstruction in Xara X1 format I can export an EPS for his Printer to use on brochures, or any other format that may be required in time. Correct?

You can contact me at XaraJob@HackersNightmare.com.

Thanks in advance,
- Bill Hely